What do marketing strategies, data analysis, and fireball have in common? They can make an absolute mess of things! In this episode, the Crew tackles a minefield of topics ranging from the newest addition to the D&D lore, the problems with over-selling the inclusive nature of your product, and finally getting on with the live reaction to the latest playtest survey! Do Wizard's strategies hold any weight on what players actually want? Is the introduction of the first canonical autistic character to D&D lore inclusion or merely pandering? And is Loc actually a multiversal entity hellbent on destroying the fabric of reality by endlessly toying with the Pirate Captain's nerves and sanity until he ultimately concocts a method of total rending of space-time and deploys it in an effort to finally rid himself of the nightmares and voices caused by the bard's baleful bickering? Probably not, but at least there's a new episode of Chef Bolgg and the Pirate Captain's Recipes for Everything!