
  • Wright Stew (Daily Stew) "Social Batteries, Mound Celebrations, and don't be that parent"
    Mar 2 2025

    How big is your social battery? Brian and Paul discuss their social batteries and how their batteries are charged and drained.

    Paul also shares a sequence he saw at a college baseball game recently and his thoughts on the reactions of the pitcher, batter and the parent.....yup, thats right, the parent.

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    33 min
  • Wright Stew (Daily Stew) "New Phone Numbers, Deer, and Collectibles"
    Mar 1 2025

    Star Wars Studio?!?!?!? Paul has found a new home and it might be cooler than Speaker Studio. Well, we won't go that far, but Paul and Brian take a stroll down memory lane with some 80's nostalgia toys.

    Also, which was better on a Thursday night, Seinfeld or Martin.

    And Brian needs a little help from a friend. Tune in to see if you may be that friend!

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    23 min
  • Wright Stew (Daily Stew) "Another birthday to celebrate, and what's the best basketball movie?"
    Feb 28 2025

    Paul sends a special shout out to his Mom on her birthday and shares some of his memories with her on and off the field.

    Brian and Paul also pay their respects to Gene Hackman and discuss his iconic role in the movie Hoosiers.

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    Follow the WrightStew Podcast on the socials and check out our merch:

    Merch Store: https://wrightstewmerch.itemorder.com/shop/home/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wrightstewpodcast/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wrightstewpodcast
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WrightStewPodcast

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    31 min
  • Wright Stew (Daily Stew) "Conversations after your kids games"
    Feb 27 2025

    Brian and Paul discuss different approaches to coaching/parenting after youth sports games. There are so many variables and so many circumstances in understanding how to best be a parent and coach to your kid after a game. Listen to some of the things they've said to their own kids, some of what they were told from their own youth, and ultimately what they've learned from all of the interactions.

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    Follow the WrightStew Podcast on the socials and check out our merch:

    Merch Store: https://wrightstewmerch.itemorder.com/shop/home/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wrightstewpodcast/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wrightstewpodcast
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WrightStewPodcast

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    24 min
  • Wright Stew (Daily Stew) "They've got more points, Bye Tush Push, & Drip or Skip"
    Feb 26 2025

    Paul tells a traumatizing story of when he couldn't keep his mouth shut during the halftime of a high school basketball game. Brian is excited that the Tush Push could be banned from football, and the boys give their take on some current baseball fashion trends in the Drip or Skip segment.

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    Follow the WrightStew Podcast on the socials and check out our merch:

    Merch Store: https://wrightstewmerch.itemorder.com/shop/home/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wrightstewpodcast/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wrightstewpodcast
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WrightStewPodcast

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    34 min
  • WrightStew (Daily Stew) "We have some questions...."
    Feb 25 2025

    Does eye black work? Who took Paul's first spring training locker and why? Will the Garner Trojans defend their softball state title? What is the best Tuesday song? Does Brian really drive in silence?

    The WrightStew Podcast answers all these questions and more!

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    Follow the WrightStew Podcast on the socials and check out our merch:

    Merch Store: https://wrightstewmerch.itemorder.com/shop/home/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wrightstewpodcast/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wrightstewpodcast
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WrightStewPodcast

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    30 min
  • Wright Stew (Daily Stew) "Broken Buses and a Rube"
    Feb 24 2025

    Have you ever had to ride a bus for an extended period? Has the bus ever broken down on the side of the road? Not a fun time. Find out who this happened to recently, and hear Paul retell a MacGyver type fix that happened during his minor league days.

    It' Monday, which means it's time for 'Athlete You Should Know'. Todays athlete might as well have been the Forrest Gump of baseball!

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    Follow the WrightStew Podcast on the socials and check out our merch:

    Merch Store: https://wrightstewmerch.itemorder.com/shop/home/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wrightstewpodcast/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wrightstewpodcast
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WrightStewPodcast

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    23 min
  • Wright Stew (Daily Stew) "Mustaches, Tattoos, and Sunday Evenings"
    Feb 23 2025

    When does the weekend begin? And when does it come to its unfortunate end? Brian and Paul discuss throughout their lives what some markers of the weekend have been.

    They also dive into baseball etiquette in regards to facial hair and tattoos. The Yankees are embarking on a new era of allowing more facial hair than ever before. We're looking forward to seeing Aaron Judge as the next member of ZZ Top.

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    Follow the WrightStew Podcast on the socials and check out our merch:

    Merch Store: https://wrightstewmerch.itemorder.com/shop/home/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wrightstewpodcast/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wrightstewpodcast
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WrightStewPodcast

    Thanks for listening!

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min