Welcome to Real Food Recovery, a podcast created by two lifelong processed food addicts with over 100 years of addiction (and recovery) between them. Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno use their Real Food Recovery podcast and social media channels to share their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction, obsession, and loss.
In this episode, we're going to talk about a powerful tool that can aid in your recovery: writing. This might be surprising to hear, but writing, or journaling, is tremendously helpful to so many people. Journaling is more than just putting words on paper; it's a way to process thoughts, understand emotions, and plan for the future. Journaling, in particular, can help you identify triggers, track progress, and maintain motivation. So join us as we dive into how you can start a writing practice and use it to overcome processed food obsession.
In every Real Food Recovery episode, Paige and Jamie take time to answer viewer questions about processed food addiction, obsession, and recovery, be sure to submit yours on their YouTube Channel or Facebook Page. You can also follow Real Food Recovery on Instagram (@realfoodrecovery4u), TikTok (@realfoodrecovery) or at www.realfoodrecovery4u.com.