In this second lesson of You Squared, we build on the foundation of taking quantum leaps for rapid growth. We'll explore additional key principles like suspending disbelief, relying on unseen forces, and choosing new risks. The focus will be on clearly envisioning the end goal while letting go of limiting thoughts, beliefs, and paradigms that constrain us. We'll discuss allowing more uncertainty and disorder to enable breakthrough results. Our aim is to access immense power by plugging into universal "source energy" and harnessing it towards our dreams.
You Squared Lesson 2 Objectives
- Practice suspending doubts and disbelief.
- Identify paradigms and beliefs that limit growth.
- Strengthen ability to rely on intuition and unseen forces.
- Discuss allowing ambiguity while focusing on the vision.
- Learn to take eyes off "how" and trust in expanded possibilities.
- Explore what it means to "plug into source energy".
- Determine where playing it safe constrains dreams.
- Consider new risks aligned with breakthrough goals.
- Increase awareness around embracing uncertainty.