Everyone has a voice inside them, your intuition or conscious, that helps them choose the right thing to do, that is there to guide and protect you.
In this episode, Renee Greene Murphy, a former school counselor, talks about her award-winning book, "Your Heart's Voice", her inspiration to finish it, and how this book, along with her journals are making an impact in the schools by providing an easy way to teach social emotional skills, problem solving and making good choices.
"Your Heart's Voice" is a children's picture book about intuition, problem solving, recognizing feelings and making good choices. She states, intuition is like a muscle, the more you use it (listen to it) the stronger it gets.
Connect with Renee Greene Murphy and get a copy of the book and journal here: https://reneegreenemurphy.com/
Connect with Peggy Meyer here: https://positivesolutions4life.com/
Get a copy of the book, The Strength to Shift: http://bit.ly/3ZRh8xF