
  • Shed Shedletzky on Leadership that Makes a Difference & Speak Up Culture
    Feb 14 2025

    Stephen (Shed) Shedletzky is an author, speaker, facilitator, and coach whose work is all about empowering leaders to cultivate trusting, purpose-driven workplaces.

    His first book, Speak Up Culture, explores how and why great leaders make it “safe and worth it” to speak up—and why it matters.

    In our conversation, Shed shares the formative experiences that led him to his purpose, including:
    🔹 Growing up with a stutter and how it shaped his perspective
    🔹 Witnessing 1,000 colleagues let go on his first day at his first job
    🔹 Discovering Simon Sinek’s work on purpose, deciding he wanted to work for him—and making it happen
    🔹 Taking the leap to start his own company and write his book

    Along the way, we dive into all things leadership, including:
    ✅ What challenges can teach us—and how weaknesses can become gifts
    Psychological safety, speak-up culture, and servant leadership
    ✅ The legacy Shed hopes to leave—including his plans for his next book

    Shed’s book "Speak Up Culture" is wise, practical, and a great read—I highly recommend it!

    📌 Follow Shed on LinkedIn: Stephen Shedletzky
    🌎 Learn more about his work at shedinspires.com

    Ruth Kearns Wollmann is an ICF-accredited professional coach and leadership development facilitator with a background as a cognitive psychologist, business executive and organisational leader in corporate and non-profit organisations. She partners with established and emerging leaders as they seek to navigate their path to success from a place of strength, authenticity and purpose.

    Find out more about Ruth's work with individuals and organisations at: yourpathtosuccess.ch

    To book a 30-minutes appointment with Ruth to explore working together go here: https://yourpathtosuccess.ch/book-appointment/

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    45 min
  • Marina Parris on Lessons from Horses: Showing Up Authentically and Powerfully
    Dec 17 2024

    Marina Parris is a coach who works with horses as her co-facilitators, supporting business leaders to grow in authenticity, emotional intelligence and effectiveness. Having trained as a coach in equine-facilitated learning was with Linda Kohanov, a pioneer in this field, based in Arizona, she draws on nearly two decades of experience with horses to develop leaders who are not only respected but also genuinely followed.

    But while today, Marina could not imagine a life without horses, her career started on a very different path. In our conversation she tells the story of her journey from working full time in the corporate world to working full time with horses (and people). You’ll hear her describe some pivotal moments that led her:

    • To ask big questions like “what do I really want to do in life?”

    • To let go of everything and step out into the unknown and

    • To learn to take off her mask and show up authentically and powerfully in everything she does

    Go to marinaparris.com to find out more about Marina's work and her two books "A heart for horses" and "Leadership wisdom from horses."

    Ruth Kearns Wollmann is an ICF-accredited professional coach and leadership development facilitator with a background as a cognitive psychologist, business executive and organisational leader in corporate and non-profit organisations.

    She partners with established and emerging leaders as they seek to navigate their personal path to success from a place of strength, authenticity and purpose.

    To find out more about Ruth's work with individuals and organisations visit her website at: yourpathtosuccess.ch

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    36 min
  • MILESTONE MOMENTS 3: Will Hogg on the Wake-Up Calls that Drove His Vision into Action
    Nov 19 2024

    Welcome to Milestone Moments: Short extracts from my podcast interviews to inspire, encourage and equip you on your personal path to success.

    Founder and managing director of Kinetic Consulting, Will Hogg, has always been motivated to create opportunities for those born into less fortunate circumstances than himself. However, when his father died too young at 61, Will decided to leave his comfortable corporate job to start his own company determined to fulfil his dream.

    Nine years later he had another wake-up call. As he lay in a hospital bed recovering from brain surgery, he realised just how short life is, and that while his business was doing well, he had not made as much progress towards his original vision as he had hoped.

    Listen to Will tell his own story of how these milestone moments acted as a catalyst for him to reassess where he stood with respect to his purpose, vision and values, and to set himself back on track.

    If you’d like to hear the whole of my interview with Will please do hop over to episode 8 which was published in December 2020 And don't forget to subscribe to make sure you receive new content as soon as it comes out.

    If you’d like to find out more about my coaching services please do visit my website, yourpathtosuccess.ch

    Ruth Kearns Wollmann is an ICF-accredited executive coach and leadership development facilitator with a background as a cognitive psychologist, business executive and organisational leader in corporate and non-profit organisations. She partners with established and emerging leaders as they seek to navigate their path to success from a place of strength, authenticity and purpose.

    To find out more about Ruth's work with individuals and organisations visit her website at: yourpathtosuccess.ch

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    12 min
  • Richard Pascoe on the Path to his True Calling, and the Art of Saying Things Brilliantly
    Sep 18 2024

    Today’s guest, Richard Pascoe is founder, managing director and lead trainer at Making Presentations: The Science and Art of saying things brilliantly.

    Richard is warm, wise, and a wonderful storyteller so you’re in for a treat. He is also a great example of someone who has navigated his career in a way that has fully integrated his talents, passions and values both inside and outside work.

    After 18 years at Procter and Gamble working in Sales, Consumer Insights and finally Corporate training, he managed to pluck up the courage to follow his true calling:

    to be a master presentation skills trainer and coach.

    Richard's story is one of a well-rounded life well lived. In this conversation you will hear him talk about how he:

    • Followed his head and his heart

    • Took on board compliments and critical feedback

    • Stayed open to seize opportunities, and waited patiently for the right time to make a move

    Overall his is a story of how he consistently invested in personal growth, relationships and doing good work over years and now decades, and how he has continued to bear fruit as a consequence.

    You can find Richard and learn more about what he does through the makingpresentations.co.uk website.

    His book The Versatile Presenter written with Kirstie Hawkes comes out in January 2025 and will be available on Amazon

    Don't forget to subscribe to this podcast to hear more stories from people about how they have navigated their personal path to success.

    And you can find out more about my coaching offerings at yourpathtosuccess.ch

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    35 min
  • Fadzi Whande on "Do it afraid": A journey of courage
    May 2 2024

    Fadzi Whande is chief of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the UNHCR (The UN refugees agency) in Geneva. She was born in Zimbabwe, brought up in USA, has lived on 4 continents, and refers to herself as an Afro-Aussie.

    Fadzi is an expert in her field, encouraging and inspiring many, many people, including me, to create inclusive spaces and open up to learning from one another whatever our background.

    In this interview, Fadzi talks about her personal and professional journey. She begins by talking about how her life experiences have shaped her perspective on inclusion and belonging, and how her vocation found her.

    She goes on to share the story of how she navigated a significant setback in her life - the breakdown of her marriage - and the guiding principles and mindsets that sustained her as she built a new life and career.

    One of her principles is "do it afraid." She courageously put this into action when she chose to go to back to study during the year she turned 40 while bringing up 2 young boys. Although it was hard at first, she kept moving forward step by step and, encouraged by her faith, she chose to cultivate a teachable spirit and to live by example, knowing that her boys (and others) were watching her.

    A significant shift happened when she was able to change her perspective from being the victim of what she had suffered and looking to others as the solution, to becoming more proactive, realising that while we cannot control what happens to us, we can learn from everything and everyone as we take responsibility for our actions and our future.

    This is a warm and authentic interview filled with wisdom and hope for us all.

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    35 min
  • MILESTONE MOMENTS 2: Simon Guillebaud on choosing to stay in a conflict zone and take a stand for non-violence
    Mar 21 2024

    Welcome to Milestone Moments: Short extracts from my podcast interviews to inspire, encourage and equip you on your personal path to success.

    In 2015, during the failed coup in Burundi, Simon Guillebaud, founder of an NGO called Great Lakes Outreach faced a milestone moment: Would he stay, or would he take his family and flee to safety as others were doing?

    Surrounded by gunfire and burning roadblocks he decided to stay. He then gathered his leaders in a room, and together they decided to use their influence to advocate for peace and non-violence.

    What made it possible? Listen to this episode to find out!

    Simon had a very clear call to Burundi in 1999, when it was regarded as the most dangerous country on earth. Having unexpectedly survived 7 years of genocide and civil war, he set up GLO with the vision to transform Burundi and beyond through holistic mission, working with gifted local leaders of integrity.

    Although Simon returned from Burundi with his family in 2018, leaving Great Lakes Outreach in the hands of capable local leaders, he is still very much involved in supporting their work with some of the poorest and hungriest people in the world. You can find out more about it at greatlakesoutreach.org.

    He continues to work as a Christian author speaker, and podcaster. So if that is your thing, I can totally recommend his podcast called “Inspired” where he interviews men and women of faith from all walks of life about their stories of adventure and risk-taking for God. So check that out via Apple Podcasts, Spotify or the link here: https://www.simonguillebaud.com/inspired-podcast/

    If you enjoyed listening to this podcast, please hit subscribe to hear more encouraging stories of of how people have navigated their path to true success.

    As Simon said it's all too easy to get to a point in life where we "Have everything to live with but nothing to live for." It takes courage to step back and ask yourself what you really want to live for, and that's another part of life where surrounding yourself with the people who will support you on your journey makes a huge difference.

    In my next podcast episode on Your Path to Success, I am going to share more about my own journey of defining and redefining success and how I help other people do that too, through my coaching programmes.

    If you're interested in find more about coaching then check out my website: yourpathtosuccess.ch or book an appointment here: https://yourpathtosuccess.ch/book-appointment/

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    10 min
  • MILESTONE MOMENTS 1: Virginie Hélias on creating her Chief Sustainability Officer role in P&G
    Dec 15 2023

    Welcome to Milestone Moments: Short extracts from my podcast interviews to inspire encourage and equip you on your path to success.

    My first ever interview on “Your path to success” 4 years ago was with P&G Chief Sustainability Officer Virginie Hélias.

    In this 10-minute extract you’ll hear Virginie talk about a Milestone Moment in her journey back in 2011 when in a 20-minute meeting with the CEO of P&G she laid out the rationale for appointing a Chief Sustainability Officer and proposed herself for the job. She explains the importance of having absolutely clarity on what you want and being brave not perfect when you want to have an impact!

    If you like this clip then you can listen to Episode 1 of Your Path to Success published on 26 November 2019.

    If you'd like to find out more about how coaching can help you create clarity on what's important for you and what you really want out of life, please visit my website or ask me about my my Reignite Your Purpose coaching journey: yourpathtosuccess.ch

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    10 min
  • Jenny Rushmore on founding a mission-led business after a corporate career
    Nov 1 2023

    Jenny Rushmore founded Cashmerette 8 years ago after 15 years of working in corporate brand management.

    She is a smart, successful, mission-driven entrepreneur who is an amazing example of someone who has combined their talents, skills, experience and passion to make a difference in the world, and is thriving while doing it.

    In this podcast episode you will hear Jenny talk about:

    • What she learned from the first part of her career
    • How she made the shift to become an entrepreneur and founder of a mission-led business
    • The advice she has for people thinking of making the leap from the corporate world

    More about Jenny and Cashmerette:

    Cashmerette began as Jenny’s personal sewing blog in 2010, when she had the profound realization that she didn’t have to change her body to fit clothes – she could change clothes to fit her body. That led Jenny to leave the corporate world after 15 years, and launch Cashmerette, the first modern, body-positive, sewing company, with patterns in sizes 0 – 32 and cup sizes C – H.

    Cashmerette has since grown to empower curvy sewists to find confidence through online workshops, a popular membership program called Cashmerette Club, and two books: instant best-seller “Ahead of the Curve: Learn to Fit and Sew Amazing Clothes for your Curves”, the first body-positive book focused on helping curvy sewists learn how to alter patterns to fit, and "Sewing the Curve: Learn how to Sew Clothes to Boost your Wardrobe and your Confidence", the ultimate guide to sewing for beginners which starts shipping on 14 November 2023.

    Jenny’s work on Cashmerette and body positivity has been featured in publications including People magazine, The Guardian, and the Huffington Post.

    Originally from Scotland, Jenny has lived in 9 countries, and is now proud to call Boston, MA home.

    To find out more about Jenny's work visit cashmerette.comwhere you can shop patterns, register for classes, order Jenny's books and browse the blog.

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min