You are the MAIN CHARACTER of the story that is unfolding in 2025! You've got 12 chapters to write in 12 months. So let's outline the first quarter of our main character's health and fitness plans together today so we can jumpstart your success this year! Grab the free worksheet so you can follow along:
In this episode….
⭐️ How chapters help us break our goals into manageable, and attainable action items
⭐️ Defining how we want our heroine to feel as she boldly steps into a new year
⭐️ Outlining our fitness plan
⭐️ Choosing 1-2 healthy eating goals
⭐️ How the habits we form become routine, and habit stacking becomes the norm
⭐️ Defining a bonus health-related goal
⭐️ Planning the first 3 months!
Links to follow up from this episode: