It's Zack Snyder's Justice League!
And it's the same movie! It's the same movie but with more stuff left in and a ton of stuff slowed right down so you really feel that four hour viewing time. I find that really arrogant by the way. Why can't you just respect the art of editing?
The order of this episode is switched a bit so Part 2 is really Part 1 and Part 1 is really Part 2. Thankfully we didn't record any additional parts that have no relevance to the rest of the episode and stick it in at the end. Part 1 but really its Part 2 contains a look at how the Snyder Cut movement got going and then snowballed out of control in the ridiculous manner we've all seen on twitter and being dragged behind planes. It's actually pretty interesting but (and this will upset some of the usual suspects) ever so hypocritical. Can't argue with their success though.
No Box Office bits because there aren't really numbers to go on yet. No Six Degrees of Madge because its the same movie. If you're desperate go and listen to the Josstice League episode and play along there. Better still, get your whole family around and pick to random movies for them to link. Tell them it's an original concept created by us and then get them to download every episode we've got onto their preferred listening device. That way we'll all be happy.
Thanks for listening! If you're reading this and we've upset you because we criticised your new favourite movie or your favourite director, contact us via the link below. We'll read out everything. Especially if it's so insulting it's funny.
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Stop pretending it's good. It's still bang average and we don't need to see anymore.
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