• Zalamit Podcast DZ زالاميط: تعلّم الإنجليزيّة بالدّارجة

  • Auteur(s): Mrs. Asma Benmoussa
  • Podcast

Zalamit Podcast DZ زالاميط: تعلّم الإنجليزيّة بالدّارجة

Auteur(s): Mrs. Asma Benmoussa
  • Résumé

  • .أسهل طريقة تتعلمو بيها الإنجليزيّة. طريقة جديدة و سهلة, جربو و شوفو .تعلمو الانجليزيّة بالدّارجة M'rahba l'Instagram @zalamit.podcast Youtube: Zalamit Podcast
    Mrs. Asma Benmoussa
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  • Lesson #55: Every Friday, Our House is a Zoo
    Mar 4 2025

    Zalamit Speaking Club Form 👇https://forms.gle/Ks65avNsrJeTpqQk6

    Text: On Fridays, Our House is a Zoo

    Most people get Fridays off so they are special for almost everyone. But at our house, they’re not just special—they are wild. Every Friday, our big family gathers, and it’s chaos.

    Mom wakes up early to prepare couscous. The smell of spices and the heat of the steam fill the kitchen. Dad sweeps the patio. All the cousins love to run around and play there. Grandma, who lives with us, makes some Halwet Ettabaa. Everyone loves those cakes. My siblings and I get ready for the mess that’s about to happen. Manel, my older sister, hides all the valuables and all the breakables. “Can’t trust those kids!” She says every single time.

    Around noon, the first knock comes. It’s Uncle Karim and his family. Aunt Leila is carrying trays of sweets, and their twins rush past her to grab the best seats in the living room. “Don’t break anything!” Aunt Leila shouts, but the kids are already jumping on the couch. More cars pull up. Aunt Sarah’s car is very full. She has five children. The house fills up quickly.

    The uncles go to the nearby mosque for the Friday prayer. They eat when they come back. The aunts gather in the kitchen, laughing and telling stories as they help Mom with the food. The cousins play noisy games, and someone always ends up crying.

    When lunch is served, it’s pure madness. Plates are passed around, kids argue over who gets the most meat, and the youngest ones spill juice everywhere. But somehow, we all fit, squished together on chairs, couches, and even the floor, we are all full and we are all happy.

    After lunch, the noise doesn’t stop. The kids race outside, chasing each other and yelling. The adults relax with coffee and pastries, still talking, still laughing.

    By the evening, the house looks like a battlefield—crumbs on the floor, cushions out of place, and tired faces everywhere. But as the last car drives away, I can’t help but smile.

    Every Friday, our place is a zoo. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

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    19 min
  • Lesson #54: We Make a Good Team | Algerian Podcast | تعلم الإنجليزية
    Feb 20 2025

    Zalamit Speaking Club Form: https://forms.gle/BHoktFS9dXnbuCQn8

    Text: We Make a Good Team
    "Soraia and Fatma worked in the same advertising company. They were great teammates. One day, their boss called them into his office. He said it was urgent.

    “Brace yourself, this is gonna be bad.” said Fatma to Soraia

    “We have a big project,” he said. “Bimo wants a new ad campaign. We need something fun and exciting to show why people love their biscuits! Oh, also, they want it by Sunday!”

    Soraia clapped her hands. “That sounds amazing!”

    Fatma nodded. “But also a little scary. We don’t have much time.”

    Soraia smiled. “Don’t be a wet blanket! This is a great opportunity to showcase our talent. Let’s be positive!”

    They got to work right away. Soraia sketched ideas for posters and videos. She was the artistic one. She drew smiling kids dunking Bimo biscuits into their cups of milk. Fatma wrote catchy slogans like “Bimo: The Taste of Childhood,the Taste Happiness!”

    By the end of the day, they had lots of great ideas. “This is going to be amazing!” Soraia said.

    The next morning, disaster struck. Soraia opened her laptop and gasped. “Oh no! The designs are gone!”

    Fatma rushed over. “What happened?”

    “I don’t know! Maybe my computer crashed.”

    Fatma took a deep breath. “Good thing I prepared for the worst. I saved everything on my USB drive. I knew something bad would happen.”

    Soraia sighed in relief. “Fatma, you’re a lifesaver! I guess it pays to be a little bit pessimistic ha.”

    They quickly got back to work. They made bright posters and a fun video showing a multi-generational family sharing Bimo biscuits during afternoon coffee. Even the famous mug with Noah’s Arch was there.”

    On Sunday, they presented their ad campaign to their boss. He watched the video and smiled. “This is perfect! Bimo will love it!”

    Soraia and Fatma hugged each other. “We did it!”

    Fatma grinned. “And we learned an important lesson—always have a backup plan.”

    Soraia laughed. “Yes! I’m the glass half full, you’re the glass half empty and together we make an excellent, realistic, safe, wonderful glass haha. We make a good team.”

    A week later, Bimo’s new ads were everywhere—on TV, on billboards, and on social media. Soraia and Fatma felt proud of their work.

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    23 min
  • Lesson #53: My Way or the Highway
    Feb 13 2025

    Zalamit Speaking Club 👉 https://forms.gle/tnmRQhYs3WS4rxGt6

    My Way or the Highway

    One day, Lina and Fedwa, who have been best friends since kindergarten, went to the beach and were shocked by what they saw. There were plastic bottles, candy wrappers, cigarette butts and plastic bags everywhere. There were even some dirty diapers half buried in the sand. It was disgusting. This beach used to be pristine. It’s where they used to swim and play as children.

    “This beach is a mess!” Lina said. “What happened?”

    “Savages! That’s what happened.” Said Fedwa.

    “This is too much. I was here a few days ago and it was more or less clean. I’m not sure people are capable of making it this dirty in this short a time. I think that the current brought all this trash from somewhere else.” Lina said. “We should organize a cleanup.”

    Fedwa nodded. “I hate to have to clean up after idiots, but I hate seeing the beach like this even more. Let’s get to work.”

    Lina took out a notebook. “First, we need a plan. We should call the mayor’s office and ask for trash bags and gloves.”

    Fedwa shook her head. “Are you serious? That will take way too long. That is, if they even answer. We should just grab some friends and start right away!”

    Lina frowned. “We need permission first.”

    Fedwa crossed her arms. “That’s a waste of time. We need action now!”

    Lina sighed. “Fedwa, we have to do this the right way.”

    Fedwa threw her hands in the air. “With you it’s always “My way or the highway!”. You’re so stubborn. I can’t deal with you sometimes.”

    Lina frowned. “Fine! If you don’t want to plan, I’ll do it alone.”

    Fedwa stomped off. “And I’ll clean up my way!”

    For the next two days, Fedwa and her friends picked up trash without asking for help. But soon, they ran out of bags, and the city workers told them they needed permission.

    Meanwhile, Lina got approval from the mayor’s office. The city gave her gloves, bags, and even t-shirts.

    On Saturday, the cleanup started. Lina’s volunteer kept busy taking pictures. They barely lifted a finger. Fadwa and her friend worked quickly and efficiently.

    When Lina saw Fedwa’s team working hard, she sighed. “Looks like I bit off more than I could chew.”

    Fedwa smiled. “Looks like you’re being used for a photo op.”

    Lina looked down and then laughed. “I think you’re right. But hey, the job is getting done.”

    They worked side by side until the beach was spotless.

    When they finished, Fedwa said, “I was too stubborn. I should have met you halfway.”

    Lina laughed. “Next time, let’s remember that we are on the same team.”

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    21 min

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