
  • The Dunning–Kruger effect
    May 28 2022

    The Dunning-Kruger effect might've already came over you, a coworker, and a preceptor. Looking beyond and understanding we are all humans is helpful. Join us in exploring our own first hand experiences with this, and we'd love to hear your stories as well. 

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    16 min
  • Difficult Conversations with Providers
    May 23 2022

    Being able to navigate the workplace with so many different personalities at work with Techs, MD's, Nurses, etc can be frustrating. Especially when some individuals are projecting their internal struggles on you. It really impedes with work performance and how much you want to be at work effecting your mood and so much more. Letting go of some of those struggles and working towards solutions, with practice...can help immensely.  

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    16 min
  • How your perception on time may be effecting your nurse productivity.
    May 14 2022

    Being more present and self aware can lead you to better outcomes. Time management is not the only effective tool to utilize, adding time awareness will lead you to greater success. 

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    22 min
  • Tackle Student Debt & Nursing School Options by INVERSE problem solving, Charlie Munger Style.
    May 9 2022

    Taking steps to reflect on backwards thinking to move forward can sound counterintuitive but is highly effective. Join me in discussing questions I invert to a negative while pinpointing problems and getting to my goals quicker. Paying off student debt, being a better person at home and at work can all be a pain, but a couple tweaks in thought process can be all you need in attaining your goals. 

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    10 min
  • How to Kill Your Patient - Thinking backwards and Forward, Charlie Munger
    May 9 2022

    In this episode we think backwards using Charlie Mungers Cheat code in order to identify WHAT NOT TO DO. Many successful individuals utilize this method to uncover problems quickly and how to avoid them. Nursing offers a wide variety of specialties and opportunities for growth. For those who feel stuck at a fulltime job, new grad residency program or hate the position they are in...trying to solve this problem backwards might get you closer to your goals than you may think. 

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    22 min
  • Reflection is always a good thing
    Apr 25 2022

    Reflecting on your choices at home, work, and within yourself can greatly improve yourself and your surroundings. Striving to look forward instead of backwards is one of the many helpful tips I have been working on. 

    Two books mentioned in this podcast that have been so beneficial to me are as follows

    • The Five Love languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman
    • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
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    9 min
  • Steer clear of the mean girls
    Apr 25 2022

    Workplace incivility is something that exists everywhere. In the nursing world, the cliques, gossip feel all too familiar and BAM, its high school again. 

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    39 min
  • Can we save ourselves for a change?
    Apr 21 2022

    Depression, anxiety, fatigue are all a big culprit in nursing and exacerbated throughout our careers. But there must be a way for us to take control and accountability as we would do for our patients. In this episode, we explore if nurses can take there own advice or not. Caring for others is no easy task, and harder when we abuse ourselves in the process. Rob and I work together to come up with strategies to combat these issues head on. 

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    19 min