
  • Episode 33: The Build & the Battle - Wk8 - He will deliver you because He delights in you - Josiah Sherwen - 23 June 2024
    Feb 19 2025

    In week 8 of our series Josiah brings a word on processing our heart before the Lord. Challenging us to ask ourselves the question 'Do we really believe in our hearts that He is good and His mercies are new every morning?'

    David had a revelation of righteousness by faith even after committing adultery and murder, he knew that he could come to the father repent and receive forgiveness.

    There is something about remembering God's character and kind nature that brings hope. It is in hard times that is vital we remember and declare the Lord's nature to our hearts. When we know His delight for us, we know He will deliver us.

    For great is His faithfulness, not ours, and this is a key to running to Him

    We pray you are encouraging to wait and be strengthened in the Lord from this word.

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    32 min
  • Episode 32: The Build & the Battle - Wk7 - God builds with covenant- Josiah Sherwen - 16 June 2024
    Feb 13 2025

    Week 7 of our build and battle series Josiah brings a word on how God always builds from a place of covenant. The word covenant means the cutting of flesh so that blood will be spilt, which speaks of a commitment that is stronger than a promise, persevering through trails, tribulations, offence and even to death. We see this picture in Genesis 15 when God instructs Abram to bring him an animal sacrifice, then declares what he will do and Abram believed God. Much like wedding vows that use the words till death do us part, God is always inviting us into the same reverence in our relationship with Him and the church.

    There is an invitation to stay in covenant and see the fruit of being moulded into His likeness through humility and long suffering.

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    47 min
  • Episode 31: 24/06/09 - Jonah Pearson - The Build & the Battle - Wk6 - Building healthy communities
    Jan 23 2025

    In Week 6 of our build and battle series Jonah brings a word on what does building a healthy community look like. Jonah draws on a teaching from doctor and psychotherapist Alfred Adler who breaks healthy community down into 3 key parts.

    1. That one feels welcomed in a place and a sense that it is okay for them be here.

    • We see Jesus welcome the disciples when he asks them to follow Him.

    2. That one can believe that the people around them are friends and not enemies.

    • Jesus calls us to love others and not to see them as enemies

    3. That one has an opportunity to contribute and believes they have something to bring to the table

    • We know in church this looks like serving in ministry to one's capacity.

    As we press into Jesus He leads into family, into community and keeps us from isolation.

    Feel welcomed in His house, feel that you are surrounded by friends and know that you have gifts that are needed, that you have something valuable to contribute!

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    35 min
  • Episode 30: The Build & the Battle -Wk5 - He turns our valley into a spring - Josiah Sherwen - 2 June 2024
    Jan 23 2025

    In Week 5 of our build and battle series Josiah brings an encouraging word for when we find ourselves in a valley season. In our culture most of the time the ways of God is mocked although we want to celebrate and crown Him as King declare 'I love you Lord I love Your leadership'. When we do this He turns our valley season, our morning or desert season into a spring for others, this is our vision for these hard seasons.

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    55 min
  • Episode 29: The Build & the Battle -Wk4 - The Blessings of dwelling with God - Josiah Sherwen - 26 May 2024
    Jan 8 2025

    In Week 4 of our build and battle series Josiah brings a word on the blessings that come when we welcome God to dwell with us.

    Psalm 132 shows a beautiful sequence of events of God's vision and plan. It is God's vision to dwell with His people, where He dwells there is His presence, nearness and intimacy. The result of this is His abundant provision and blessings upon His people, where the poor in spirit are fed both spiritually and physically. From this God establishes righteous leaders, clothing His priests with salvation and maturity which leads to joyous saints as they also mature. This is the advancement of His governance and Kingdom leading to the lost receiving the revelation of Jesus as their saviour. When He is accepted as King His enemies scatter and the leadership of Jesus flourishes.

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    32 min
  • Episode 28: The Build & the Battle -Wk3 - God is the Restorer - Josiah Sherwen - 19 May 2024
    Jan 8 2025

    In Week 3 of our build and battle series Josiah brings a word on how God can restore anything in our life's. As we join Him in the fight and allow Him to restore areas in our life's, we need to stand firm in our authority as conquerors in Christ, letting go of any victim mentalities.

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    33 min
  • Episode 27: The Build & the Battle -Wk2 - Removing the Idols so God can be King - Jonah Pearson - 5 May 2024
    Jan 8 2025

    In Week 2 of our build and battle series Jonah brings a word on removing the idols in our life's so God can be the rightful king of our life's. Jonah draws from 1 Samuel 5, talking about the significance of what the Philistine god Dagon represents as false idols in our lives. Dagon was depicted as a half man half fish character and represented Storms and striving. Jonah warns us not to exalt our pain or our striving above God, that we must always thank and praise Him as our God, our comforter, teacher and provider.

    Just like in 1 Samuel 5, when God is invited into a temple all other false gods and idols fall to the ground and break.

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    34 min
  • Episode 26: The Build & the Battle - Wk1 - Intro - Josiah Sherwen - 21 April 2024
    Jan 8 2025

    This is week one of a new series called 'the build and the battle', where the main focus is building us up as a community to also understand the spiritual battle we are in.

    Firstly, we need to understand that Jesus has already won the battle and this is how we approach spiritual warfare. As we take ground in the kingdom we are pushing back against the enemy. The gates of hell wont prevail against us, so we don't keep a victim mentality.

    The new wine requires a new wineskin

    This speaks of us being flexible to Him as He leads us

    Join us on this journey

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    42 min