
  • the future: college, traveling, and why society's expectations suck
    Dec 9 2020

    Hello everyone :). Today I talk about a very hot topic (just kidding. well kind of at least) the future. For my generation, it looks so different and I think it's so fascinating to hear what other people want to do and what they value in college since we're all so vastly different. So I shared the schools I'm interested in and what things I really want to take advantage of in my education because I love to learn and experience new things. I hope you all are staying safe and taking care of yourselves. 

    xoxo, lena. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    26 min
  • my w.e.i.r.d.d. november
    Nov 27 2020

    another episode dedicated to what I've been wearing, eating, impressed by, reading, doing, and downloading. i also chat some about whats been going on and just have a nice time sharing my favorite things in november with you all. check out my website/ blog for all of the things I mentioned and more. 


    also...WE'RE ON APPLE NOW! checkout the link on my website :)

    -- Lena 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • chatting and answering fascinating questions
    Oct 7 2020

    hi everybody. I am seriously going to try and be as consistent as I possibly can be considering I am a junior in high school. today I answered some fun philosophical-esc questions and just enjoyed recording again. for real I have missed it so much. I went into depth on some of the questions and with others as per usual rambled and had some laughs by myself haha. I hope you enjoy it. xoxo, Lena

    Voir plus Voir moins
    27 min
  • super random little chat and update :,)
    Sep 5 2020

    I'm soooo sorry for being gone for so long but I am back after the craziest past few months. But I just talked away about what has been going on as well as just random things. I like podcasts that feel like you're on the phone with the person and that is what this podcast is. I hope u enjoy I'm glad to be back honestly and I pinky promise to record more frequently. <3 Lena

    Voir plus Voir moins
    25 min
  • faith, spirituality, religion and everything in between
    Aug 3 2020

    hi :) on this episode I decided to talk about faith, it's meaning to me, and also talk about religion and the connection to religious communities, marginalization of religion itself, and also how I think the law of attraction comes into play in religion. I think this topic is one that I don't really agree with a lot of people on or actually no one really talks about so I decided to talk about my opinion since religion is such a complex idea.

    visit my website lenaj0nes.com for more info/articles about this topic and more !

    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min
  • a raw conversation w/ a friend ft. teija purvis
    Jul 27 2020

    on this episode, i sat down (virtually) with my close friend teija and talked about race, politics, and pretty much anything that came to our minds. i really love how this episode came out and hope you enjoy it :). 

     teija's instagram: @teijapurvis

    DREAM HIGH BLACK GIRLS: https://linktr.ee/DreamHighBlackGirls + @dreamhighblackgirls on instagram <3

    donate to teija's short film, Maraschino Cherry: https://www.gofundme.com/f/maraschino-cherryshort-film

    blog: lenaj0nes.com

    my instagram: @lenaj0nes

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • W.E.I.R.D.D
    Jul 5 2020

    On this episode I did a version of my current favorite things (W.E.I.R.D.D) which stands for what I've been :



    Impressed By




    p.s. I'm uping my game! I added music to this episode (eep) so that's pretty exciting; now you don't just have to hear my voice <3.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min
  • hi! i'm back; black artists and mental health
    Jun 27 2020

    Today I updated all of you on my life a little, I shouted out some black visual artists and musicians as well as BLM resources and talked about music that helps me in rough/dark times. I also wanted to jump back on the podcast horse and bring back my motivation. Hope you all enjoy. 

    xoxo, Lena

    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min