
  • Women's Day D&I special: The impact of unconscious bias on gender equity in organisations
    Mar 8 2023

    In 2023, we see a rise in the number of women occupying C-suite positions and sitting on executive boards. However, despite these increases, we're still far from gender parity. Subconscious biases still form a barrier that keeps women from finally breaking the glass ceiling for good. In this special on Diversity and Inclusion, John Sullivan, Nicoleta Raportaru, winner of the Rolde Model of the Year and Women in Tech Awards 2022 and D&I Gender Parity Advocate, and Aidan Moran, CEO of ecx.io and winner of the Highly Commended Recognition for Inclusion in the Management Consultancies Association Awards 2022, shine a light on the bias that's still present in many organisations, and what actions are required by these on their path towards more inclusion and diversity.

    +++ Also check out Aidan's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BraveTalks/about +++

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    31 min
  • Ep. 12 | Digitalisierung im Gesundheitssektor: Eine Frage des Vertrauens
    Dec 20 2022

    Wie verändert Digitalisierung das Gesundheitswesen und die Welt der Krankenkassen? Kann man auch überdigitalisierten? Und warum vertrauen wir amerikanischen Großkonzernen mit unseren Daten, aber nicht deutschen Krankenkassen? Diesen und noch vielen weiteren Fragen gehen Daniel Simon, IBM iX EMEA Experience Design & Mobile Practice Lead, und sein Gast Marek Rydzewski, Chief Digital Officer der BARMER, der zweitgrößten Krankenkasse Deutschlands, in der ersten deutschen Folge des eXperience Cafés auf den Grund.

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    29 min
  • Ep. 11 | Direct-to-Consumer: The big transition in the automotive world
    Dec 1 2022

    The automotive industry has an image of being a traditional one, and slow to adapt to new business trends. This doesn’t only apply to the topic of e-mobility but includes the whole sales, communication, and customer experience strategy. What are the new rules of this game, and where are the most valuable opportunities? Host John Sullivan and his guest Jens Sulek, a well known automotive industry expert, Executive Partner and Co-Lead of IBM iX DACH,  discuss the hot trends of this current transition, and try to find answer to the most burning questions. Press play and join the discussion with your comments.

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    32 min
  • Ep. 10 | AI in medicine: How do you harness its power?
    Nov 17 2022

    The AI technology is rapidly developing and being adopted in our lives,  but do we really understand its potential and the risks involved? How is  it changing our world and the healthcare sector in particular?  Dietmar Frey, Managing Director CLAIM - Charité Lab for AI in Medicine  at Charité in Berlin, shares insights into his work supporting the  medical world with data-driven systems and answers the most burning  questions: What part does AI play in the future of healthcare, what are  its benefits, and what hurdles are encountered during the implementation  process?  Press play and find out for yourself.

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    37 min
  • Ep. 9 | Client Relationships: Building and regaining trust
    Nov 3 2022

    How do you cultivate client relationships for business impact? Jason  Duff, North America Oil & Gas Industry Leader at IBM, shares his  insights in how to build client relationships by listening and  understanding clients’ needs, translating it to the most suitable  product, and what to do when trust is broken. In his talk with John Sullivan, Jason also sheds some light on the oil  and gas industry’s digital transformation story – how it is working  towards sustainability and what lays ahead for the industry in times of  energy transition.

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    38 min
  • Ep. 8 | Innovation: Solving problems to deliver value
    Oct 20 2022

    How do you bring the best people together to solve great problems?  Lindsay Herbert, Global Chief Innovation Officer for IBM Garage, joins  John Sullivan, IBM iX EMEA Managing Partner, to talk about delivering  'total experiences', what it takes to be a woman in IT, motivation and  how to make sure that nobody is left behind. They also discuss  ability-to-prototype, accessibility in emerging technologies, Lindsay's  published book, 'Digital Transformation: Build Your Organization's  Future for the Innovation Age' and her invention - the IBM Instant  Checkout.

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    39 min
  • Ep. 7 | The Subscription Economy: A new outcome based business model
    Oct 6 2022

    John Phillips, General Manager EMEA at Zuora, joins John Sullivan, IBM iX EMEA Managing Partner, to talk about trends and challenges in the subscription economy, the digital experience, consumption-based models and moving beyond traditional subscription services. They discuss the drivers behind the shift from ownership to subscription and how that differs across demographics. Also on the docket: lock-in phobia, differentiation, aggregation and regulation.

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    40 min
  • Ep. 6 | Sustainability: Enabling our energy transition
    Sep 21 2022

    How can information technology help to enable genuinely impactful change? 

    Phil Spring, IBM Energy & Utilities EMEA Leader, and John Sullivan,  IBM iX EMEA Managing Partner, talk about practical ways to make change  happen through technology to support energy transition in support of  sustainability objectives. They discuss where we are now and what we  need to do over the next few decades to reach our emission reduction  targets, including the role companies will play in providing low carbon  choices for consumers and how they can utilize exponential technologies  like blockchain, AI, machine learning and IOT to accelerate their  transformation as well as the impact of ESG ratings, emerging  environmental standards and the war in Ukraine.

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    30 min