
  • Surviving Healthcare: The Story of Charles MacKenzie's Quest for Safe Medicine
    Jan 23 2023

    Charles MacKenzie knew isolation decades before the rest of the world would experience it through enforced locked downs and the social restriction that came with the Covid 19 “pandemic”.

    The whole medical fiasco that surrounded Covid served as a bad case of Déjà Vu for Charles who as a kid growing up in Australia, was prescribed a medication for acne that made him suffer an adverse reaction leaving him with the same disease as the 'boy in the plastic bubble'. He chose to treat what already felt like a 'rollercoaster' of a life like the Enid Blyton children's adventures he loved as a boy.

    His fledging detective work saw him uncover Australia’s biggest medical coverup contaminated blood and one that he himself was a victim of when he was given a tainted blood transfusion to treat his bone marrow disease in the 1980s.

    Now Charles is setting out on a new adventure and one that asks the question on behalf of himself and other medical patients, how are we going to safely survive “healthcare”?

    Listen to the story behind what it was like exposing deadly medical coverups and to follow the investigation of natural medicine and on ways to navigate the sometime dangerous waters of modern medicine without falling victim to ‘big pharma’ and all the medical errors & adverse events that have made “health” a leading cause of death and injury!

    join High Adventure show notes

    Interview with Fran Kelly on ABC Radio Breakfast:


    Article in the Sydney Morning Herald: ‘Inquiry hears how a Sydney schoolboy was given blood from a heroin addict’


    Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/22b9a06c

    Support the petition for Unvaxxed blood in Australia here: https://form.123formbuilder.com/6314006/form?fbclid=PAAaZcB-ufZWhpbOs56LP32OdSdfAc0KpuBjHSasFQTjKANzdAuI19IEZmZ80

    Website for the campaign for justice for the Australian victims of the global infected blood scandal here:


    Charles MacKenzie’s published statement on behalf of Australia for the UK Infected Blood Inquiry: https://www.infectedbloodinquiry.org.uk/evidence/witn3939001-written-statement-charles-mackenzie-15-may-2020

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • Trailer join High Adventure
    Jan 24 2023

    Charles MacKenzie the host of join High Adventure podcast exposed Australia’s deadliest medical scandal and biggest coverup contaminated blood transfusions. Now he is looking to survive the “healthcare” system that has harmed him and countless other patients.

    • Do you have an aversion to pharmaceutical medications and jabs ?
    • Do you have a chronic condition ?
    • Do you have fibromyalgia too ?
    • Do you have insomnia ?
    • Do you have a breathing disorder ?
    • Do you suffer from nausea ?
    • Acid reflux ?
    • Motor function problems ?
    • Heart disease ?
    • Skin problems ?
    • Arthritis ?
    • Chronic pain ?
    • Neurological conditions ?
    • Or a virus like Hepatitis C ?

    Are you concerned about how medical errors and adverse events have become one of the leading causes of death?

    Are you looking for peace of mind and with it more natural ways to protect your health and well-being?

    If the answer is "yes" then you should know that the alternative therapies and natural medicine that will be featured on our podcast can treat and even cure many chronic conditions, even potentially Charles' lifelong Hepatitis C infection whilst at the same time helping alleviate the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that he and so many other victims of adverse events have been left with.

    Tune in and survive modern medicine by discovering alternative health so you can avoid it! Hear the story behind the uncovering of Australia’s tainted blood scandal and find out how to unleash the survivor within and avoid being yet another casualty of “healthcare”!

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    1 min
  • Australia’s tainted blood scandal: the kids have come back for justice
    Jan 31 2023

    In this episode Charles MacKenzie takes us back in time to where his fight and that of other Australian children who were given tainted blood products began.

    Show notes

    Help Charles MacKenzie keep surviving by donating to his Go Fund Me here https://gofund.me/77abc074

    Watch Charles return to where it all began St.Andrews Cathedral School Sydney


    John Dowd the former NSW attorney general who tax lawyers paid the salary for and who denied help to children with AIDS like Martin when he was dying


    Brian Howe the former Labor health of the early 1990s


    The speech by former Australian Labor health minister Brian Howe where he speaks of why they made an example of Martin and denied him care to stop the flood gates opening for others who the government harmed and who need help


    A timeline of Australian Red Cross/CSL blood donors that proves medical patients were murdered en masse


    A copy of Charles MacKenzie witness statement to the UK infected blood inquiry


    Support the campaign for unvaxxed blood in Australia by signing the petition here: https://form.123formbuilder.com/6314006/form?fbclid=PAAaYkBWJcwGx-gvIX6nOvKahVRAlgyT-Pynr_nH-rnbn5bUyQIfNXDu6Ak08

    Follow the campaign on Instagram @unvaxxedblood

    Voir plus Voir moins
    53 min
  • MEDICAL APOCALYPSE: the health warrior
    Feb 7 2023

    Following tainted blood and the Covid pandemic Australia’s public healthcare system is a post apocalyptic disaster zone.

    Show notes for MEDICAL APOCALYPSE

    Recommended reading



    A video of what Charles's struggle to survive looks like


    Please help Charles survive by donating to his Go Fund Me here https://gofund.me/77abc074

    Please send your health tricks ‘n’ tips to: healthtips@joinhighadventure.com.au

    Black Seed oil can it help?


    Celery juice for health?


    Support the campaign for unvaxxed blood here https://form.123formbuilder.com/6314006/form?fbclid=PAAaahCMOvi0rVaLZAybwupHLWr62xJJ_c21_G1G_oFJJlPfPe-k-aiRfmI50

    Follow on Instagram @unvaxxedblood

    Powerful Emotional Trailer by MaxKoMusic
    Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

    Voir plus Voir moins
    49 min
  • Calling all internet sleuths Australia needs you!
    Feb 10 2023

    Uncover the Truth with Charles MacKenzie - A sinister plot by Australia's 'industrial medical complex' has been exposed by Charles MacKenzie. This criminal organisation will stop at nothing to conceal the deadliest medical scandal in history - the tainted blood scandal. Hospital records of patients who received contaminated blood transfusions have been tampered with, while others have been eradicated. What is the health authority in Australia so determined to keep hidden that they would engage in such wrongdoing?

    Join the quest for justice with Charles on join High Adventure podcast, where internet sleuths come together to unravel the mystery of Australia's cover-up of the infected blood scandal. With thousands of Australian families affected by this tragedy, it's time for the truth to be revealed. Be a part of the movement and help bring accountability to those responsible.

    Show notes

    Help keep Charles alive to see the justice he has fought for since a kind with tainted blood here Go Fund Me here https://gofund.me/77abc074

    The published statement by Charles MacKenzie on behalf of Australia to the United Kingdom’s infected blood inquiry can be read here https://www.infectedbloodinquiry.org.uk/sites/default/files/2021-12-16%20WS/2021-12-16%20WS/WITN3939001%20-%20Written%20statement%20of%20Charles%20Mackenzie%20-%2015%20May%202020.pdf

    Website for Infected Blood Australia which Charles is President of is here https://www.infectedbloodaustralia.com

    Support the campaign for unvaxxed blood here https://form.123formbuilder.com/6314006/form?fbclid=PAAaahCMOvi0rVaLZAybwupHLWr62xJJ_c21_G1G_oFJJlPfPe-k-aiRfmI50

    Follow on Instagram @unvaxxedblood

    Learn more at www.joinhighadventure.com.au

    Voir plus Voir moins
    15 min
  • Will I be able to cure myself of Hepatitis C using natural or alternative medicine?
    Feb 14 2023

    Charles MacKenzie has gone many rounds with the Hepatitis C virus that he and tens of thousands of other hospital patients became infected with after receiving tainted blood in the 1980s. He has an aversion to pharmaceuticals, but even so hasn't given up on a cure and wants to see if he can knock out his lifelong affliction to the virus using natural or alternative medicine?

    Show notes

    Hepatitis C and the blood supply in Australia

    Timeline https://www.infectedbloodaustralia.com/timeline

    Go Fund Me to help Charles keep fighting https://gofund.me/77abc074

    Support the campaign for unvaxxed blood here https://form.123formbuilder.com/6314006/form?fbclid=PAAaahCMOvi0rVaLZAybwupHLWr62xJJ_c21_G1G_oFJJlPfPe-k-aiRfmI50

    Follow on Instagram @unvaxxedblood

    Subscribe to join High Adventure here

    Write to Charles MacKenzie at: cm@joinhighadventure.com.au

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • Australia has fallen: No help is coming and we know it
    Feb 21 2023

    Charles MacKenzie reveals how the corrupt globalist controlled Australian Labor government are determined to kill off the last remaining Australian survivors of the global infected blood scandal.

    Show notes

    Go Fund Me
    to help Charles keep fighting https://gofund.me/77abc074

    CSL CEO Paul Perreault


    CSL chief executive Paul Perreault’s $61m pay day


    Charles MacKenzie statement to UK Infected Blood Inquiry


    Neal Blewett 1980’s Australian health minister who was made out to be an AIDS visionary when in fact he was a coverup merchant




    Australia’s lying health officials


    Website for Infected Blood Australia which Charles is President of is here https://www.infectedbloodaustralia.com

    Support the campaign for unvaxxed blood here https://form.123formbuilder.com/6314006/form?fbclid=PAAaahCMOvi0rVaLZAybwupHLWr62xJJ_c21_G1G_oFJJlPfPe-k-aiRfmI50

    Follow on Instagram @unvaxxedblood

    Learn more at www.joinhighadventure.com.au

    Voir plus Voir moins
    31 min
  • Mardi Gras & World Pride should be apology time for the Australian Red Cross who maligned the gay community over HIV in 1983
    Feb 26 2023

    Charles MacKenzie, President of Infected Blood Australia, speaks about last nights 45th Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade on Oxford St, which is a major celebration in Australia today but it wasn’t always the case. Forty years ago homosexuals were treated like criminals and were even maligned by the Australian Red Cross when HIV was announced as having contaminated the blood supply.

    Show notes

    Register your support for a Royal Commission and/or compensation form


    Timeline of Australian blood donors https://www.infectedbloodaustralia.com/timeline

    Bad blood: The contamination of Australia's blood supply and the emergence of gay activism in the age of AIDS


    AIDS action committee reacts Family team using ‘fear tactics’ Canberra Times Tuesday 20 November 1984




    Worry as Hepatitis B serum runs low Sydney Morning Herald, November 19 1984


    Hepatitis B Vaccine Experiment On American Gays


    Voir plus Voir moins
    28 min