... and you can email us at: bomt@bomt.uk.
BOMT (The Battery-Operated Magic Toupee) lands on Whackoff 8, the most self-sexually, self-romantically, and self-involved planet in a self-absorbed universe of immense, egocentric, imperiousness. The official transcription logs of BOMT, as it approached the gravitational field of pure narcissistic sexual energy waves, reads as “I am entering the field of Whackoff 8 , detecting a rise in unfiltered egocentric energy and… oh my God, I never noticed how gorgeous and drop dead sexy I am, I … I want to write a love poem to myself… I just can’t help it. My antenna is uncontrollably stroking my throttle-boing stick and it feels so good… I am fanaticising sticking my spoorelease rod into my rear passage duct… and sticking it in and out and in and…. Oh I love me! I am expelling my excess jizzlubricant. I am going to marry myself!”
As BOMT continued admiring a screenshot of itself, it downloaded the following achieve material:
We begin with the Faecal Economist Langly Fulton shares his top tips on toilet paper substitute (note: Do not attempt using discarded sandpaper) and a commercial from Head Bang Industries for the latest technology in walls to bang your head against.
David Cumfucker attempts, unsuccessfully, to report day 69 from the trial of the decade despite obstacles, which include a retarded camera crew (we apologise if saying ‘retarded’ has offended any listeners, including retarded listener, who may tend to become a bit retarded when triggered over retarded things, such as this retarded sketch). After a message from the makers of Kak Gleam who add razzle and sparkle in your dung (and we realise that dung doesn’t usually describe human poop however we are told that some of our listeners are animals), we feature the latest episode of Fucking with Nature where Jim Obean, the fucking naturist, attempts to do it with a bee.
#funnyadults #darkhumor #darkjokes #darkadultjokes #darkadulthumor #humours #humor