
  • Stark.ly Different: Our Approach
    Nov 18 2023

    Who are Ni'coel & Chelsea, what's their POV on Decision Intelligence, and how is their approach positively deviant? Learn more about their work by following them on LinkedIn.

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    11 min
  • CORE SKILL: Locating the Root Cause
    Nov 17 2023

    In response to the immediacy of pain, people skip the diagnostic work of locating the source(s). The cycle of addressing symptoms instead of their causes amplifies negative outcomes. Mastering the ability to address root causes instead of symptoms becomes a crucial focal point in enhancing our decision-making intelligence.

    Learn more about our work by following us on⁠ ⁠LinkedIn⁠⁠.

    To begin working with the material:

    Think back to a time when a decision that you made led to more downstream negative consequences. How did the symptoms and pain you were experiencing lead you to solve the wrong problem? And, looking back, what do you now see as the root cause?

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    22 min
  • CORE SKILL: Playfulness & Playing the Fool
    Nov 12 2023

    The skills needed to engage in playfulness may not be what you think. Playfulness is a state of being, while play is the performance. We discuss what can be learned when we take ourselves less seriously, highlighting how specific forms of play can fast-track the development of trust and resilience, reveal fresh insights, alleviate stress, and minimize risk, all of which significantly improve our decision-making abilities. Consider the unique kind of intelligence, freedom, and potential that emerges when you let go of inhibitions, take new risks, and embrace unconstructed playfulness.

    Learn more about our work by following us on⁠ ⁠LinkedIn⁠⁠.

    To begin working with the material:

    When you encounter playfulness in others, what surfaces for you? Are you intrigued or put off by a seemingly wasteful or less productive approach? Consider how a playful approach may surface new types of less visible intelligence.

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    28 min
  • CORE SKILL: Existing in Liminality
    Nov 9 2023

    Liminal space facilitates the integration of internal and external states, fostering growth and the ability to make more informed decisions that shape future paths. We delve into the importance of time, tension, and creating space to process both what is known and what remains unclear to get to a new awareness. Liminality is where deep processing occurs and often gets sidestepped or entirely avoided. This avoidance hinders discovery and exploration where moments of confusion and feeling stopped play a crucial role in shaping people's understanding and decision-making abilities.

    Learn more about our work by following us on⁠ ⁠LinkedIn⁠⁠.

    To begin working with the material:

    Think about a decision you made that, in retrospect, could have benefitted from waiting. And consider how your tolerance for discomfort and confusion affected your decision. What information could have surfaced from sitting in the discomfort instead of ejecting from a waiting period?

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    26 min
  • CORE SKILL: Working with Paradox
    Nov 8 2023

    Paradoxes represent spaces where seemingly contradictory concepts coexist, offering insights into aspects that may not yet be fully comprehended and become rich areas of new information.

    Learn more about our work by following us on⁠ ⁠LinkedIn⁠⁠.


    Identify when you’ve been both good and not-so-good on the same day (both selfish and caring? or both disrespectful and kind?) How do these expressions invite you to consider a context in which you were one thing and then the very opposite? How does this shift your view of absolutes when evaluating information and thinking through a decision?

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    23 min
  • CORE SKILL: Becoming More Human in a Machine World
    Aug 13 2023

    Becoming more human is both the beginning and the end of decision intelligence and leadership. As our technology and societal structures push us toward a more mechanized existence, humans have become more machine-like, and human processing has now become both the fundamental point of failure and the core remedy in our technological age.

    Learn more about our work by following us on⁠ ⁠LinkedIn⁠⁠.

    To begin working with the material:

    Think of a recent conflict with a co-worker where they weren’t following the rules. Could trusting their approach have resulted in a better long-term outcome? Identify how your priorities, biases, and corporate norms are impeding your growth and how giving less weight to the ways we’ve been conditioned could result in becoming a better decision-maker.

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    26 min
  • CORE SKILL: Applying Existential Math
    Aug 11 2023

    What is Existential Math and why it's a necessary new skill? Decision-makers could develop more comprehensive strategies but instead, bypass including less visible and less measurable information. Learning existential math skills advances the decision-making process. By accounting for human variables and adding new equations that factor more context, people can solve and prevent inefficiencies and breakdowns more intelligently.

    Learn more about our work by following us on⁠ ⁠LinkedIn⁠⁠.

    To begin working with the material:

    In thinking about your own decisions, notice the degree to which you prioritize external, measurable information compared to internal, less measurable information. How do these two domains merge in your circumstance to create new considerations and insight that might change your plans and approach?

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    26 min
  • Stark Pedagogy
    Aug 10 2023

    We discuss how all six points of the decision intelligence pedagogy connect and how each is anchored by the concept of becoming a different kind of decision-maker. We deliver a quick overview to see the scope of the framework and how it ties to becoming more human in a world where we are increasingly conditioned to become more like the machines and the products we make.

    Learn more about our work by following us on⁠ ⁠LinkedIn⁠⁠.

    To begin working with the material:

    Where is your need for speed and certainty causing you to abandon a more thorough process of decision-making?

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    13 min