
  • Interview with Brendan Fitzgibbons
    Apr 16 2024

    Interview with Brendon Fitzgibbons. John discusses his personal background and how he left engineering for a career as a musical artist and consciousness-seeker. The discussion goes on to examine the theoretical foundation for the Emotional Clearing Process that John conceived in the 1990’s, based on a fusion of Humanistic Psychology and Eastern Mindfulness Practice. John explains the 4 steps of the Process in detail.

    For a complete explanation of the Emotional Clearing Process please refer to DEEP CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon books.


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    39 min
  • Bluegrass
    Mar 17 2023

    A dramatic artistic presentation featuring Gurudev Amrit Desai and the late John Harris of WBAI New York radio. John Ruskan reads excerpts from his book MOON WALKING and performs the music.

    From John Ruskan: This episode is the last of the first series of the Emotional Clearing Podcast. When I started this project last year, my goal was to post a year’s worth of interesting episodes about holistic psychology and the EC Process. That year has now concluded. If you have discovered this podcast anywhere in the middle of the series, I recommend that you go back to the beginning and start with Episode #1. These programs are all timeless and will support you as you work on yourself. I am not sure if/when the second series will begin. Although each program discusses an aspect of EC work, please allow me to emphasize that in order to gain an overall perspective on how to apply the Emotional Clearing Process as a radical self-therapy, I would refer you to my books DEEP CLEARING and EMOTIONAL CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon, and please visit the EC website for more interesting info and referrals to counselors.

    For a complete explanation of the Emotional Clearing Process please refer to DEEP CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon books.


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    26 min
  • Childhood Sexual Abuse Spirit Releasement
    Mar 10 2023

    From John: Usually, my client work is focused on the Emotional Clearing Process but in conjunction with that I sometimes take clients through a Spirit Releasement session if I feel it would be helpful. Spirit Releasement is concerned with out-of-body psychic entities who have attached to a person and negatively influence them. You have to have an open mind and be somewhat metaphysically inclined to appreciate this phenomenon. The recorded session here has been heavily edited from 90 minutes, names have been removed, but the essence remains and I hope you can appreciate how much the client has benefited and the authenticity in the client’s voice. For more info on SR work, go to https://www.emclear.com/Emotions/Emotions_spiritreleasement.html

    For a complete explanation of the Emotional Clearing Process please refer to DEEP CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon books.


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    41 min
  • Childhood and Past-Life Regression
    Mar 3 2023

    The purpose of regression is to access memories that are linked to present-day experience. Regression usually starts with a quick glimpse during meditation or hypnotic trance. EC work is present-oriented, the past is projected on to the present, so that we don’t necessarily need to go back to the past. Present-day feelings are an accurate picture of past experience, therefore working with the present is working with the past. The keynote of a regression is the emotional charge associated with it. Childhood events happen in accordance with the child’s karma. Feelings are the bridge into the past. Multiple personalities and attached entities.

    For a complete explanation of the Emotional Clearing Process please refer to DEEP CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon books.


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    40 min
  • Facing Loneliness as we age / Nurturing from within
    Feb 24 2023

    In this EC therapy session, the client’s voice is not audible, but you can still follow along as John verbally reflects the client’s statements: What do we expect to get out of our relationships, and then get resentful when we don’t get it. You have to let go. Even if you are working on the level of manipulation, you have to give the impression of letting go, of not clinging, in order to not drive the other person away. But for ultimate psychological healing, you must move to authentic letting-go, not looking to the future, or hoping for reconciliation. You need to go to the feelings behind the compulsive behavior. A short EC Processing session concerning loneliness. Getting the energy from the inside that we seek from others.

    For a complete explanation of the Emotional Clearing Process please refer to DEEP CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon books.


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    23 min
  • Webinar Q & A
    Feb 17 2023

    Bringing presence to chronic body pains. Vipassana. Severe anger from noise disturbance overhead in apartment building. Grief from an emotionally abusive and distant mothering experience. Emotional neediness and attachment to children and pets. What is emotional balance? The 2 stages of EC work. Transcending the dualistic positive-negative syndrome.

    For a complete explanation of the Emotional Clearing Process please refer to DEEP CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon books.


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    41 min
  • Types of Feelings / Porn Addiction / Intrusion / Anxiety / Inadequacy
    Feb 10 2023

    Excerpt from an EC Facilitator Training: The three types of feelings; How to work with a porn addiction – find the core feelings behind it and process those. Anger with your pet. The experience of invasion and being disrespected and helplessness. Moving into a sense of timeless presence with the experience, in the body. Getting out of the mind, into the moment – your meditative capacity, beyond acceptance or rejection. Inducing the energetic transmission to the client. Working with anxiety as a first-level emotion.

    For a complete explanation of the Emotional Clearing Process please refer to DEEP CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon books.


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    32 min
  • Power Struggle in Marriage
    Feb 3 2023

    In this session, the client’s voice is not audible, but you can still follow along since John always verbally reflects the client’s statements: She’s taking over sexually. In a power struggle, either you feel controlled or you are fixated on being dominant. The ideal might be to alternate power roles, in sexual activity for example. The tendency to relinquish power may have started in childhood. Marriage is the chance to work out the karmic pattern that first appeared in childhood in this life. A projection usually occurs in marriage. The power struggle is based on the feeling of losing your individuality, being smothered and lost. A new marriage probably will not be different, until the inner negativity is released. Accepting that a karmic pattern is being worked out can help ease up on blame. John takes the client through the EC Process.

    For a complete explanation of the Emotional Clearing Process please refer to DEEP CLEARING by John Ruskan on Amazon books.


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    34 min