Get more Billionaires Are Good on our patreon! Warren Buffett is the richest elf in the house. But you know what else he is? BRAVE. He’s a lion in Keebler clothing. He saves his bottle caps and he’s taking over the world. What a guy! Dave and Caleb talk about how he rose to the top and of course: DOUG FACTS! Caleb also tells a story of how he got robbed in Atlanta and Dave plays an old forgotten Christmas song. Give it a whirl! Every episode ends with a segment called What's it Called, where Dave and Caleb rename a movie with YOUR help. The game this episode was: What would Scarface be called if it was a Disney movie? And the Ricky S**t goes to... @ITWASJUSTAUSTIN on Twitter! With the suggestion "THE SUITE LIFE OF SMACK AND CODEINE" 0:00 Intro 0:11 An Old Song About Caleb 10:25 Dave Makes Websites 14:52 Tour Dates 16:20 MOON NEWS 18:20 Billionaire of the Week: Warren Buffett 27:06 Poorest Billionaire on Earth: Garrett Camp! 29:41 Caleb Got Robbed! 35:35 Getting in Trouble SUCKS 42:23 Dave's Most Embarrassing Story 50:11 Companies Owned By Berkshire Hathaway 52:29 What's It Called YouTube Subscribe Billionaires Are Good Merch Each week on Billionaires Are Good, comedians Dave Ross and Caleb Synan explore the life and fortune of a different billionaire. Dave and Caleb believe that all billionaires are going to hell, and that their presence on earth is killing us all, and that it's not their fault!!! Be nice!!! The show is a laugh-heavy romp through the darkness of capitalism that doesn't take itself seriously at all, rife with segments and tangents and rock radio stingers. Money is bad and billionaires are good and we all need to lay down. More Billionaires Are Good Patreon Instagram Twitter Discord Official website Like and comment on videos to join the conversation! New episodes every week so make sure to check back regularly for new videos! Wanna play the What's it Called game? Follow to rename movies with us: Discord Twitter Every week we post on Twitter and Discord which movie we're renaming. You respond to the post with your suggestions, and sometimes they'll get featured on the show! At the end of each episode we read our top ten favorite suggestions that week. More Dave Ross Instagram Tiktok Official website More Caleb Synan Instagram Twitter Official website Episode produced by Dave Ross Theme Song by Chris Cresswell