• Discover Connections in the Heart of a Canadian Winter

  • Jan 9 2025
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

Discover Connections in the Heart of a Canadian Winter

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Discover Connections in the Heart of a Canadian Winter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-09-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Zimné ráno bolo chladné, sneh jemne pokrýval všetko navôkol.En: The winter morning was cold, the snow gently covering everything around.Sk: Marek sa obzrel okolo seba a cítil, ako mu vietor pohladil tvár.En: Marek looked around and felt the wind caress his face.Sk: Mal na sebe hrubý kabát a v rukách pevne držal rukavice.En: He wore a thick coat and held his gloves firmly in his hands.Sk: Bol to deň, keď sa s triedou mali vydať na výlet do komunitného centra pôvodných obyvateľov Kanady.En: It was the day when the class was set to go on a trip to the community center of the Indigenous peoples of Canada.Sk: Keď vstúpil do centra, teplo ho privítalo ako priateľ.En: When he entered the center, the warmth welcomed him like a friend.Sk: Vôňa cédrového dreva a smiech rozliehajúci sa z miestnosti ho úplne zbavili zimy, ktorá ho tesne obklopovala vonku.En: The scent of cedar wood and laughter echoing from the room completely chased away the winter that surrounded him so closely outside.Sk: Steny boli ozdobené nádhernými farebnými maľbami, ktoré rozprávali príbehy dávnych čias.En: The walls were adorned with beautiful colorful paintings that told stories of ancient times.Sk: V strede miestnosti stál veľký stôl, na ktorom boli nachystané materiály na tvorbu tradičných remesiel.En: In the middle of the room stood a large table with materials prepared for making traditional crafts.Sk: "Poďme sa do toho pustiť," povedala Lena s úsmevom, ktorým povzbudila Mareka.En: "Let’s get started," said Lena with a smile, encouraging Marek.Sk: Marek na chvíľu zaváhal.En: Marek hesitated for a moment.Sk: Vedel, že ho čaká nová skúsenosť, no obával sa toho neznámeho.En: He knew a new experience awaited him, but he was anxious about the unknown.Sk: Jakub ho mierne potiahol za rukáv.En: Jakub gently tugged at his sleeve.Sk: "Neboj sa, zvládneš to," dodal Jakub a Marek sa cítil o trochu odvážnejšie.En: "Don't worry, you can do it," Jakub added, and Marek felt a little braver.Sk: Hostitelia ich učili, ako vyrábať malé drevené sošky, ktoré predstavovali duchov prírody.En: The hosts taught them how to make small wooden figurines representing the spirits of nature.Sk: Marek sa snažil pochopiť každý krok, no nie vždy mu to išlo podľa plánu.En: Marek tried to understand each step, but it didn’t always go according to plan.Sk: Lena a Jakub sa občas zasmiali, keď Marek urobil niečo nesprávne, no vždy to mysleli len ako povzbudenie.En: Lena and Jakub occasionally laughed when Marek did something wrong, but they always meant it as encouragement.Sk: V jednom okamihu sa Marek pokúsil ručne vyrezať vzor do dreva, ale urobil chybu.En: At one point, Marek tried to carve a pattern into the wood by hand but made a mistake.Sk: Projekts sa poškodil, a Marek cítil, ako sa červený od hanby pred očami všetkých.En: The project was damaged, and Marek felt his face turn red with embarrassment in front of everyone’s eyes.Sk: Sklonil hlavu a hlavou mu prebehli pochybnosti.En: He lowered his head, doubts running through his mind.Sk: Ale Lena a Jakub boli hneď pri ňom, povzbudzovali ho, aby začal odznova.En: But Lena and Jakub were right there beside him, encouraging him to start over.Sk: "Pomôžeme ti," povedala Lena a pozorovala chýbajúcu časť sošky.En: "We'll help you," said Lena, observing the missing part of the figurine.Sk: Jakub medzitým priviedol jedného z remeselníkov, ktorý im poskytol ďalšie rady.En: Meanwhile, Jakub brought over one of the craftsmen who provided them with further advice.Sk: Spolu sa zaslúžili o pokračovanie v projektoch a tentokrát bol výsledok omnoho lepší.En: Together, they managed to continue with the project, and this time the result was much better.Sk: Keď nakoniec Marek dokončil svoje dielo, bolo to s pocitom hrdosti a úľavy.En: When Marek finally completed his work, it was with a feeling of pride and relief.Sk: Komunitní členovia pochválili ich prácu a Marek cítil, ako z neho opadala všetka nervozita.En: The community members praised their work, and Marek felt all his nervousness fade away.Sk: Zaslúžene sa zasmial spolu s Lenou a Jakubom, ktorí sa s ním radovali.En: He laughed deservedly, along with Lena and Jakub, who rejoiced with him.Sk: Na konci dňa, keď sa Marek vracal domov, cítil niečo nové.En: At the end of the day, as Marek was returning home, he felt something new.Sk: Bolo to akési spojenie, pocit, že už nie je tak sám.En: It was a kind of connection, a feeling that he wasn’t so alone anymore.Sk: Možno tu, uprostred kanadskej zimy, našiel kúsok domova aj on.En: Perhaps here, in the midst of the Canadian winter, he too found a piece of home.Sk: Teraz ...
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