Welcome back you lucky listeners, it’s episode 30 of the “Not Your Common Conversation Podcast" featuring Chris Downing and Omar Henderson. In this installment Chris, Omar, and our resident engineer Brandon discuss “Artificial Intelligence” and the dangers of all of this technological innovation. We kick things off briefly talking about the incoming administration. From there we acknowledge the ever apparent marriage between government and big business and discuss how we think it all will impact us. This leads to a conversation about violence and the role it plays in our society, this reminds Omar of a previous conversation about the dark side of man. After we discuss if there is really any true benefit from life seemingly becoming more “Artificial.” We touch on social media addiction, the difficulties in determining what’s used information vs misinformation, real estate in space and a lot more! Enjoy! Not Your Common Conversation is a Bi-Weekly podcast hosted by Chris Downing & Omar Henderson, where we talk about everything inside and outside of our heads. Visuals of the NYCC Podcast now available to watch: https://www.youtube.com/@NYCCPod (https://www.youtube.com/@NYCCPod)