Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Survival, Hope, and Heartbeats in a Snowbound Refuge Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-23-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Med krepkimi gorami Triglavskega narodnega parka, skrit pred zvedavimi očmi vsakdanjega življenja, je stala provizorična bolnišnica.En: Amid the mighty mountains of Triglavski narodni park, hidden from the curious eyes of everyday life, stood a makeshift hospital.Sl: Sneg je neusmiljeno padal na šotore, burja je rezala skozi platno.En: The snow fell mercilessly on the tents, the burja wind cut through the canvas.Sl: Notri je bilo tesno, hladno, a polno odločnosti in upanja.En: Inside, it was cramped, cold, but full of determination and hope.Sl: Tina je klečala ob rdečem kovčku z medicinsko opremo.En: Tina was kneeling by the red suitcase with medical supplies.Sl: Novinka v Sloveniji, zdravstvena sestra, zavzeta, a prestrašena.En: A newcomer to Slovenia, she was a nurse, eager but scared.Sl: V novi deželi si je želela dokazati, da zmore.En: In the new country, she wanted to prove to herself that she could manage.Sl: Da je del skupnosti.En: That she was part of the community.Sl: Njene roke so tresle, ko je preštevala obliže in zavoje.En: Her hands trembled as she counted bandages and gauze.Sl: "Ne skrbi," je dejal Matej, z utrujenimi očmi a toplim nasmehom.En: "Don't worry," said Matej, with tired eyes but a warm smile.Sl: "Zmoremo.En: "We can do it.Sl: Vedno zmoremo.En: We always can."Sl: "Matej, izkušenega zdravnika, so leta dela že izčrpala.En: Matej, an experienced doctor, had been worn out by years of work.Sl: Bil je tik pred upokojitvijo, a je želel še nekaj sporočiti tej mladi generaciji.En: He was on the brink of retirement, but he wanted to convey something to this younger generation.Sl: Tina je bila svetilnik prihodnosti, in on je želel le, da njegova zapuščina ostane živa.En: Tina was a beacon of the future, and he just wanted his legacy to remain alive.Sl: Zunaj je Luka, lokalni vodnik, pripravljal ekipo za iskanje preostalih pohodnikov, ki jih je ujela snežna nevihta.En: Outside, Luka, a local guide, was preparing a team to search for the rest of the hikers caught in the snowstorm.Sl: Luka je nosil bolečo preteklost.En: Luka carried a painful past.Sl: Nekoga je nekoč izgubil v podobnih razmerah.En: He had lost someone once in similar conditions.Sl: Toda tokrat, tokrat bo vse drugače, si je obljubil.En: But this time, this time it would be different, he promised himself.Sl: Ko je sneg zagrnil goro kot težka odeja, so ga znotraj šotora zvoki stisk in vprašanj iz ozadja opozarjali na hitrost čas.En: As the snow enveloped the mountain like a heavy blanket, inside the tent, the sounds of pressure and questions from the background reminded him of the pressing time.Sl: V zaledju je bil pohodnik, ki se mu je stanje hitro slabšalo.En: In the background, there was a hiker whose condition was rapidly deteriorating.Sl: Matej in Tina sta morala ukrepati nemudoma.En: Matej and Tina had to act immediately.Sl: "Boš morala narediti to, kar sem ti pokazal," je dejal Matej, ko je podal Tini instrumente.En: "You'll have to do what I showed you," said Matej, as he handed instruments to Tina.Sl: "Zaupaj vase.En: "Trust yourself."Sl: "Tina je vdihnila globoko.En: Tina took a deep breath.Sl: Čutila je utrip bolnih src ob sebi.En: She felt the pulse of the sick hearts beside her.Sl: Čutila je Matejevo mirnost ob svoji strani.En: She felt Matej's calmness by her side.Sl: Ko je izvajala postopek, so njene roke postale trdne.En: As she performed the procedure, her hands became steady.Sl: Matejev glas jo je vodil, in ko je končala, je vedela, da je uspelo.En: Matej's voice guided her, and when she finished, she knew she had succeeded.Sl: "Glej, prava zdravnica si," ji je Matej rekel s ponosom v očeh.En: "Look, you're a real doctor," Matej said to her with pride in his eyes.Sl: Ko se je nevihta umirila, je Luka, prekrit s strelajočim snegom, skozi vrata vnese več pohodnikov, ki so jih uspeli rešiti.En: When the storm subsided, Luka, covered in swirling snow, brought in more hikers they had managed to rescue through the door.Sl: Na njegovem obrazu je bilo zaznati olajšanje.En: Relief was visible on his face.Sl: Preteklost je ostala za njim.En: The past was behind him.Sl: Sedaj je bila le sedanjost.En: Now there was only the present.Sl: Tina je končno začutila, da pripada.En: Tina finally felt that she belonged.Sl: Matej je našel mir pred koncem svoje kariere.En: Matej found peace at the end of his career.Sl: Luka je zbral pogum in pokazal, kdo je bil v resnici: rešitelj.En: Luka gathered the courage and showed who he truly was: a rescuer.Sl: Ko se je nebo končno razjasnilo, je zavladal med shodniki občutek zavezništva in upanja.En: When the sky finally cleared, a sense of camaraderie and hope prevailed among those gathered.Sl: Slednjič je prišla reševalna ...