Network marketing goes by many names… Multi Level Marketing, Direct Sales, or Social Marketing. Chances are you’ve come into contact with it yourself or have known someone who’s been a part of it.
After over a decade as a top leader inside a controversial industry and a few months out of society and off social media… Sandy is ready to break her silence.
What started out as an opportunity to share the realizations she’s had in her own fire of truth around the darkness of her career… Quickly turned into a 3 part mini series in order to capture the deep psychological ramifications and collateral damage to her own psyche, conscience and integrity.
This is an extremely vulnerable and shockingly honest conversation that will surprise you.
We encourage you to share these episodes with any loved ones who might benefit from this insider look into the darkness that is network marketing.
YouTube by Julie Anderson called, "It was never a level playing field" HERE
Link to the You Tube of Anti MLM’er Julie Anderson HERE
Link to the You Tube of Anti MLM’er Erin Bies HERE
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