This week on Schauer Thoughts we’re decentering men! Before you rev up those keyboards: decentering men is not abstaining from men, anyone can decenter men (including men). You will not be “exiting” the patriarchy, decentering men is not the same thing as misandry, and [continued list of misconceptions]. So join us in the communal Schauer and open those pores (and perspectives) to a reimagined, gender nonspecific way of moving and grooving. Stop putting off those doctors appointments and go to to find and instantly book a top-rated doctor today. Books: Leadership Recreated - Kem Gabrell PHD The Knowledge Illusion - Steven Sloman Justice - Michael J. Sandal If there are any books or resources not listed, please feel free to ask and I’ll let you know! Follow Sarah: @SarahSchauer To watch the podcast on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit