Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Blooms of Bravery: Ana's Poetic Spring Awakening Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-03-06-23-34-01-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad srednje škole u Splitu, isijavajući toplinu koja je milovala sve one koji su se okupili uoči proljetnog kulturnog festivala.En: The sun was shining above the high school in Split, radiating warmth that caressed all those gathered on the eve of the spring cultural festival.Hr: Škola je bila ispunjena žamorom učenika i mirisom cvijeća iz vrta.En: The school was filled with the hum of students and the scent of flowers from the garden.Hr: Ana je sjedila na klupi ispred škole.En: Ana was sitting on a bench in front of the school.Hr: Pogled joj je lutao između rokovnika i cvjetnih ruža koje su se ljuljale na povjetarcu.En: Her gaze wandered between her planner and the blooming roses swaying in the breeze.Hr: Srce joj je ubrzano kucalo.En: Her heart was beating fast.Hr: Trebala je nastupiti sa svojom originalnom poezijom, prvi put pred toliko ljudi.En: She was supposed to perform her original poetry for the first time in front of so many people.Hr: Nedavno joj je jedan profesor rekao da njezine pjesme možda ne dostižu potrebnu razinu kvalitete.En: A professor had recently told her that her poems might not reach the required level of quality.Hr: Te riječi su ostale s njom, poput sjene koja ju je stalno pratila.En: Those words stayed with her, like a shadow constantly trailing her.Hr: "Pogledaj ovu atmosfersku čaroliju, Ana," reče Boris dolazeći s čokoladom iz kantine.En: "Look at this atmospheric magic, Ana," said Boris as he approached with chocolate from the cafeteria.Hr: Sjeo je pored nje, pružajući joj čokoladicu.En: He sat next to her, offering her a chocolate bar.Hr: "Sve oko nas cvjeta.En: "Everything around us is blooming.Hr: Vrijeme je da i ti procvjetaš.En: It's time for you to bloom as well."Hr: "Ana se nasmiješila, ali misao o nastupu je bila poput oblaka iznad njenog glave.En: Ana smiled, but the thought of the performance was like a cloud hovering over her head.Hr: "Bojim se, Borise.En: "I'm scared, Boris.Hr: Što ako se osramotim?En: What if I embarrass myself?"Hr: " rekla je uzdignuvši pogled prema njemu.En: she said, lifting her gaze towards him.Hr: Boris je nekoliko sekundi tiho promatrao vedro nebo, zatim se okrenuo natrag prema njoj.En: Boris watched the clear sky silently for a few seconds, then turned back to her.Hr: "Kada se cvijet bori da procvjeta usred divlje prirode, nije uvijek jednostavno.En: "When a flower struggles to bloom in the wild, it's not always simple.Hr: Ali kad uspije, nagradi svijet svojom ljepotom.En: But when it succeeds, it rewards the world with its beauty.Hr: Tvoj glas je tvoja ljepota, Ana.En: Your voice is your beauty, Ana.Hr: Dijeli ga s nama.En: Share it with us."Hr: "Ana je duboko udahnula.En: Ana took a deep breath.Hr: Borisove riječi su bile hrabre, jednostavne.En: Boris' words were brave, simple.Hr: Riječi koje su joj trebale.En: Words she needed.Hr: Iako je još uvijek osjećala tragove straha, unutarnji glas joj je govorio da možda vrijedi riskirati.En: Although she still felt traces of fear, an inner voice told her that it might be worth the risk.Hr: Nakon nekoliko trenutaka oklijevanja, Ana je donijela odluku.En: After a few moments of hesitation, Ana made a decision.Hr: Ustala je, obrisala prašinu s hlača, i zajedno s Borisom krenula prema pozornici.En: She stood up, dusted off her pants, and, together with Boris, headed towards the stage.Hr: Navečer, kad je započela kulturna manifestacija, Ana se našla iza kormila svojih strahova.En: In the evening, when the cultural event began, Ana found herself at the helm of her fears.Hr: Ruke su joj drhtale dok je uzimala mikrofon na improviziranoj pozornici ispred gimnazije.En: Her hands trembled as she took the microphone on the improvised stage in front of the high school.Hr: Rasvjeta je bila jaka, ali publika je djelovala nejasno iz njezine perspektive.En: The lighting was strong, but the audience seemed blurred from her perspective.Hr: "Boris, duboko udahni," promrmljao je Boris iz prvog reda, podignuvši palac.En: "Ana, take a deep breath," Boris murmured from the front row, giving a thumbs up.Hr: Ana se osmjehnula i duboko udahnula, osjetivši trenutak olakšanja.En: Ana smiled and took a deep breath, feeling a moment of relief.Hr: Počela je recitirati svoje stihove.En: She began to recite her verses.Hr: Glas joj je drhtao, ali ona je nastavila.En: Her voice trembled, but she continued.Hr: Kako su riječi tekle, osjećala se snažijom.En: As the words flowed, she felt stronger.Hr: Publika je slušala, zainteresirana i mirna.En: The audience listened, interested and calm.Hr: Dok je završavala posljednju riječ, proljetni povjetarac s biljem pomilovao je njezina obraza.En: As she finished the last word, the spring breeze with plants caressed her ...