In this episode I have invited Dr Nitu Bajekal (Gynaecologist and a Women’s Health Specialist based in London , United Kingdom ; with over 35 years of clinical experience) . Dr Nitu is a co-author of the book "Living PCOS Free", a book on how to regain your hormonal health with Polycystic Ovary syndrome. The book extensively covers evidence backed and science based information on how one can understand their PCOS, detailed guide on lab tests and questions you must ask your doctor as part of the investigations , busting myths around PCOS, 6 pillars around Lifestyle change to manage PCOS !
- How one can understand their PCOS better , signs and symptoms you must look out for !
- When seeking doctors help , whats the toolkit for a patient to be at the drivers seat to take charge of their PCOS, what are the crucial questions for one must seek answers to as a patient
- Is hormone therapy/ medication for everyone?
- 6 pillars of Lifestyle change
- Whats POI ( Premature Ovarian Insufficiency) and is there any relation to PCOS
- Questions from the community
If you are newly diagnosed with PCOS or have been struggling for years to take charge of your PCOS, this podcast is packed with all the answers you would be looking for!
For more PCOS related content, follow me on @pcosclubindia on Instagram, Youtube or log on to my website
Enjoy Listening and I will see you on the next episode.
Be #strongerthanpcos !