So many times, we fall back on the belief that we are only human made of dust and ashes and what CAN we do, what positive change, what impact can mere mortals do in the face of overwhelming odds and huge challenges.
And when someone is hurting we say we will pray for them. But REALLY? Is that the best we can do?
In this episode we talk about that time when Abraham interceded for the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
In this passage, wouldn’t it have been the human thing to do to leave it “in God’s hands” because “God’s ways are far higher and whatever will be will be?” We can’t miss the persistence in Abraham’s intercession, and I believe God was pleased--not affronted--when Abraham approached him and interceded.
The essential oil of the week is Rosemary! I use it to grow my hair. If you know me you know how ridiculously long it's gotten, hear this episode to know my secret.
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