Welcome back to the Full Moon Radio Podcast! In today's amazing episode we are going to talk alll about the energy of the May new moon coming up on May 11th, and what this Taurus energy wants you to focus on! I'll also share the best crystal to pair with this new moon energy and how you can use it to make the most of this new moon! Lastly I have a powerful affirmation to help you align with the lunar frequency and a high vibrational playlist for you to set intention and celebrate this moon!! Press Play to get woke now!
- Grab your New Moon Ritual Kit and save 20% at checkout with code TAURUSNEWMOON https://fullmoonradio.shop/discount/TAURUSNEWMOON?redirect=%2Fproducts%2Fnew-moon-ritual-spray
- Tune into the New Moon playlist to set intention and stay aligned! https://soundcloud.com/fullmoonradiopodcast