Naeem Fazal, former Seacoast Pastor and current Pastor of Mosaic Church in Charlotte has a comfort level with Greg Surratt, given he served in ministry under Greg's leadership at Seacoast for numerous years. Naeem in real life considers both Greg and Chip as guys he's all ears to learn from, especially with them having traveled a bit further down the road of experience.
On this episode, Naeem agrees to answer questions about his personal life and share current areas of personal strengths and weaknesses. He also comes to the table to hit Greg and Chip up for advice. He might as well make it worth his time, right? Through the episode, Naeem shares some ministry regrets and how hard the journey has been, he highlights how he has seen God's grace at work in sustaining him and shares some thoughts he's been processing about how to live as a new fifty-year old. The four also discuss pastoral transitions and some necessary ingredients for them to be a success.
Naeem Fazal / Instagram
Greg Surratt / Instagram
Chip Judd / Instagram
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Host and Producer - Joey Svendsen
Theme Music - Derek Minor