Welcome back to another episode of Change By Degrees! We go back to an OG topic we’ve discussed before, but love doing every single time: small businesses! We talk about the small businesses and people that we have loved supporting the past few months (or years!) and hope you check them out! They might even help you get a head start on Christmas gift ideas this year for your friends and family. Check out their links below:
Riona Buthello: rionabuthello.com, @rionabuthello on Twitter and Instagram
Nightshiftwaxco on Instagram
Liz Kapiloto: @lizkapiloto on Instagram
Jonna Jinton: @jonnajinton on Instagram
Patisserie Fouet: @fouetnyc on Instagram
Otherland: @otherlandco
Crate Box: https://www.booksnbread.com/