NOTES Originally recorded May 10th gough it back to chat about his latest film How to Treat Women. We chat about that, how things are down in Australia with the coronavirus, plus a whole lot more. And gough answers some amazingly stupid questions. We get to find out what gough's drunk food is.
Quotes "A Chupucabra!" -John
Meta-plot [Bored out of their mind gough appears to help alleviate the guys boredom, only for Frank to forget it all happened. Turns out he's been using the mind ball to have vivid hallucinations to escape the humdrum reality of the quarantine.]
Credits Episode 128: gough dammit! Produced by: Relevant to Our Interests Hosts: John R. Belliston and Frank Shaw Scripting by: Frank Shaw Edited by: Frank Shaw Check out Beernuts Productions! Beernuts Productions on Twitter @Beernuts_gough Instagram: Facebook: