Hey there, hero!
Is it possible that in addition to all of the other things you're concerned with when it comes to your performance career, that actually having a bit of success might be more daunting?
More daunting than the possibility of...failure?
Because then, the rules have to change. You have to start living by the rules of success, not failure.
And you have new responsibilities.
How can this possibly make sense? Do you ever take a moment to consider if you're fearful of actually succeeding? Let me know in the comments below.
REQUEST: Please join this video's conversation and see the full episode on VOHeroes, where the comments are moderated and civil, at https://voheroes.com/a-bigger-fear-than-that-of-failure/
#Acting #Voice #VoiceOver #Performance #Productivity #Tips #Art #Commerce #Science #Mindset #Success #Process #Options #BestPractices #Marketing
Want to be a better VO talent, actor or author? Here’s how I can help you...
...become a VO talent (or a more successful one):
...become an audiobook narrator on ACX (if you’re an actor or VO talent):
...narrate your own book (if you’re an author):
...have the most effective pop filter (especially for VO talent):
...be off-book faster for on-camera auditions and work (memorize your lines):
...master beautiful audiobook and podcast audio in one drag and drop move on your Mac:
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