Elizabeth Hughes-Callison has an incredible story of surviving a heart defect that doctors failed to diagnose in her childhood. As a young mom, she pushed through the rigors of motherhood and working full time until she reached a point of crisis in her health and needed life-saving open heart surgery. Elizabeth slowly learned she must care for herself first in order to be able to care for others later. Now, she mentors other moms who are reaching the point of no return in their health and exhaustion by encouraging them that it's okay to make changes that will improve their quality of life. It's your turn, mama.
You can connect with Elizabeth and learn about her upcoming workshops on her website: It's Mother's Turn
or on Instagram: @ItsMothersTurn
The Empty Nest Empires podcast is hosted by Tami Romani and available on iTunes or your favorite podcast app. This episode first aired on February 7, 2020 on Go Red for Women Day, a day to speak up for women's heart health. You can find more info about The American Heart Association's Go Red for Women Day at GoRedForWomen.org
or heart.org
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Or on Tami's websiteTamiRomani.com
**Doors will open soon to our VIP mastermind group - sign up for updates here: tamiromani.com/emptynest