//00:00//Daft Punk's Alive 2007 (2007)//On JF three-peat (weezy voice)//On pre-hyper internet information transfer//On close encounters with the EDM gods//On religious live experiences//On every man's losing their shirt moment//On feedback robo-rock//On remaining human behind the masks//On disco drums//On anti-electronica rock snobbery//On the potency of electronic music performed live//On the buckets of why to make a live record//
//(1:14:51)//Prince's Purple Rain (1984)//On 6 of 39//On uncool coolness//On Apex Mountain for Apollonia('s titties)//On Prince during Computer Blue//On autobiographical-ish Prince//On the incoherent movie hall of fame//On Holy Shit The Bodyguard//On maybe the best guitarist ever//On the Beautiful Ones//On dangerous queer icon Prince//On is this the artists best album answered by a real source//On total, mythical, cultural saturation//
//(2:37:00)//Preview of episode//19//