St. Anicius Manlius Severius Boethius's book The Consolation of Philosophy, which he wrote in prison while awaiting martyrdom around the year 524, is one of the single most influential works for medieval philosophy and theology. But Boethius also owed much to the pagan philosophy that came before him. Thomas Ward has just written a commentary on Boethius's dialogue for Word on Fire, entitled After Stoicism: Last Words of the Last Roman Philosopher.
Topics discussed include:
- Boethius's debt to Stoic ethics and how he critiques the Stoic view of happiness
- The influence of neo-Platonist philosophy on Boethius
- Questions about the account of deification given by Lady Philosophy - is it more Platonist than Christian?
- Boethius's brilliant arguments about how God's way of knowing differs from ours
Thomas Ward, After Stoicism: Last Words of the Last Roman Philosopher
Way of the Fathers episode on Boethius
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