Guests: Emily Eidam, Maddie Smith, Jim Thompson, Adrian Heath
Coastal oceanographer and geologist Dr. Emily Eidam and her team work closely with communities around the North Slope of Alaska to monitor coastal continental shelf change in the Arctic. Her team includes: Polar Oceanographer and Sea Ice physicist Maddie Smith, Jim Thompson who studies the waves and the surface of the ocean and her graduate student Adrian Heath whom studies the coastal sediment deposition on Alaska Beaufort shelf. In this episode, we learn how the team uses historical data, satellite imagery, drones, and boots-on-the-ground science to study the arctic coast, and her team’s outreach experiences in the village of Kaktovik, Alaska. Emily visits the middle and high schoolers at Harold Kaveolook School annually to learn from the students and teach coastal change while coordinating a field trip for the students to collect data in their own back yard!
Find out more about their research at: