Step into the New Year with a fresh perspective guided by the collective wisdom of divine Light Beings. "New Year, New Vision of Self" is a channeled audio that offers profound insights and transformational frequencies to cleanse and uplift your energy.
Reflecting on the disappointments of the past year, this audio invites you to embrace self-compassion and recognize that what we often call failure is a profound opportunity for self-awareness and growth.
Let the healing energies of The Goddess of the Sun, Thoth, The All, The Grand Central Sun, Osiris, Isis, The Resonance, The White Crystal Fire Beings, The Golden Fire Beings, The Pleiadians, and more work gently in the background of your life, helping you manifest a more aligned and empowered vision of yourself.
This sacred audio is dedicated to Mwansa Lombe as she navigates her healing journey, offering an inspiring message of hope and renewal for all. This channeled audio is a labor of love dedicated to Aethel’s mother, who is currently navigating cancer. Keith and Aethel humbly ask for your support in her healing journey. If this message resonates with you, please consider contributing—every little bit helps.
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