Summary: In today’s episode, Michael and Alisa get right down to business! Michael discusses the importance of creating and using a spending plan to reach your financial goals. Alisa shares other powerful benefits of going for a walk to beat work-from-home burnout. Serious Talking Points:
Spending Plan vs. Budget
With a spending plan, you get to decide and direct where your money goes and how it is spent
Give your money a “job” and make it work for you
Do the more important things more and the less important things less!
5 reasons why you should seriously consider going for a purposeful walk
Want your strengths to work for you? Sign up to join Alisa’s 3-month group experience for modern professionals to learn, grow, and live in your strengths starting March 11.
Social Media Picks: Alisa: @beenspirationbg’s IG post Michael: @thegrowinginvestor’s IG post If you have questions for Michael or Alisa (or both of us), please submit them for “Serious Fam Q&A” at or @seriouslythoughpod. More from Alisa: