Hello! And welcome back to another episode of FTS! If you want to create and express yourself online but you struggle with comparison, and fear of being seen, this episode is for you! This week we have on the lovely Megan Rose who shares her story on coming back home to herself and sharing her voice with the world ! This woman does not let fear hold her back and it is so inspiring!
ON this episode we talk about; social media as a spiritual teacher, having the confidence to be yourself online & letting go of what people think…DANCE as a healing mechanism, EMBODIMENT WORK and how to get started with voice activation exercises, working through doubts self doubts, reminding yourself of your power, getting into the body, self trust, and so much more ! :)
Megan’s Instagram: @meganrosecoach
Megan’s Website: https://bio.site/meganrosecoach
Instagram: @amelia.rose.rose
Business Instagram: @ameliaroserising
FTS (podcast's) Instagram: @followingthesparkpodcast