HIP 70 is a game changer for the scalability of the Helium Network. This episode is the ultimate educational resource about HIP 70, with commentary from both Helium founder Amir Haleem and Solana founder Anatoly Yakovenko, as well as the Nova Labs core dev team.
Learn more about the HIP on the Helium Foundation's blog: https://medium.com/helium-foundation/hip-70-helium-core-team-proposes-to-migrate-to-solana-e7ea23a042e7
And don't forget to join the #hip-70-scaling-the-helium-network channel on Helium's Discord server at https://discord.gg/helium
- Follow Amir: https://twitter.com/amirhaleem
- Follow Anatoly: https://twitter.com/aeyakovenko
Hosted by Arman Dezfuli-Arjomandi
More episodes of The Hotspot are available on your favorite podcast app:
- Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-hotspot-helium-network-blockchain-podcast/id1524379293
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- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hotspotpod
- Amazon Music: https://www.amazon.com/Hotspot-Helium-Network-Blockchain-Podcast/dp/B08JJSSL57
- Follow me: https://x.com/rawrmaan
- Follow Helium: https://x.com/helium
- Follow Helium Foundation: https://twitter.com/HeliumFndn
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- Learn more about Helium: https://www.helium.com/
- Intro song: Lakey Inspired - Arcade