Sooo, we’re not quite sure how we ended up here. From “Bike” to “Beliefs” You never know what will come up during Hyper Talkative Podcast. In this episode of Hyper Talkative Podcast, we talked about everything from the different types of bike riders, summer camp, Georgea’s banker, our teenage jobs, and of course the mythical creatures we believe in.
A few links you may find helpful..
- Hyper Talkative YouTube (Watch us on video!!)
- POV You're looking for Charlie the Lightning Bug - FULL PLAYLIST!
- Visual of Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids
- Georgea Explains Zombies 4
Follow the dream duo & stay connected: Instagram: Hyper Talkative, Ruby, Georgea Twitter: Hyper Talkative, Ruby, Georgea
Shoutout to Jon Jed of JonnyJedMusic for creating our theme music!
Thanks so much for listening to episode 35 of Hyper Talkative Podcast - Here’s to 47234284248723 more episodes!!!!