Title: Little Known Secret of Top Producers that They Won’t Tell You
Host: Michael J. Maher
Guest: Jay Kinder
Description: In this exciting episode, Michael J. Maher sits down with Jay Kinder, a renowned real estate expert to uncover the secrets that top producers use to stay ahead in the industry. Jay shares his journey from starting out in the business to being a top producer today....AND what got him there!
Discover his little-known strategy that drove consistent success over the years and how to implement it in your own business. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to break through to the next level, this episode will inspire and equip you to thrive.
(7L) Referral Strategies and Podcast Topics: Events, Event Mastery, Referral Mastery Summit 2025
Special Offer: Join us at the Referral Mastery Summit on March 27-29, 2025, in Atlanta, GA! Unlock the secrets of success with actionable strategies, expert insights, and invaluable networking opportunities. Visit www.RMS25.com to register and use the coupon code "podcast" to receive $500 off your ticket! Don’t miss this opportunity to take your business to the next level.