🎉At a bad New Year's party?🎉 It has to be better than little Joe and Baptiste's New Years, in the frigid Canadian wilderness. But they're going to change that. By making a deal with the devil.
😈 The creature: The Yale
The Yale, or the Centicore, is a super goat who's super famous despite not deserving it at all.
🛒 The Myths and Legends store is back! https://shop.nextpod.com
📖 Sources
La Chasse Galerie: https://archive.org/details/lachassegalerieo00beau/page/n13/mode/2up
Legends of Le Détroit: https://archive.org/details/cu31924028870686
📼 YouTube We're on YouTube, now. Currently, it's just the audio episodes, but that might change sometime? https://www.youtube.com/@mythsandlegendspodcast/videos