Be honest, do you check your phone before you even get out of bed?
Maybe it’s your alarm, a quick glance at notifications, or just scrolling for a few minutes before starting the day. It seems harmless, right?
But what if I told you this one small habit could be draining your mental energy, hijacking your focus, and even rewiring your brain before your feet hit the floor?
In this episode, we’re talking about why reaching for your phone first thing in the morning is working against you and what to do instead. It is all about the power of your first hour and why keeping screens out of it, might be the single most impactful shift you can make.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode: - How grabbing your phone first thing trains your brain for distraction
- The science behind brain waves and your morning wake-up process
- What the Bible says about starting your day with God
- Simple ways to create a screen-free first hour (even if an hour feels impossible!)
- How small habit shifts lead to lasting transformation
Next Steps: Commit to 30-60 minutes of screen-free time tomorrow morning and notice how it changes your focus, mindset, and connection with God.
Take the Screen Time Personality Quiz
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Let’s talk! Email me and let me know what shifts for you. I’d love to hear about it.
Pass this episode along to a friend who needs this challenge too! You have the power to reclaim your first hour.