Another fan favorite where Ari and Dan Sullivan talk about the importance of focus and how to get it.
- The creator of the strategic coach program: Dan Sullivan! - 2:00
- It all started 43 years ago - 3:01
- Running strategic coach today - 5:33
- People that did not know their business model - 8:34
- As a coach and marketer - 10:46
- Innovation managers vs. focus managers - 15:00
- Having two sales teams - 17:44
- Having a coaching workshop company - 20:30
- The real change-makers - 23:51
- Investing in young people - 26:22
- One thing that they’re going to start implementing - 28:29
- Having a scarcity mindset - 43:24
- Pieces of advice to be more effective - 48:10
Episode Resources - Connect with Ari Meisel