A reading and commentary of Dr. Edwin Vieira’s By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of Martial Law, Chapter 3, Part 3.
We delve into the intricate interplay of mindset, martial art, and the science of political-economy to address the problem of monopoly cartels that are undermining good governance and the livelihood of ordinary citizens. Through the lens of samurai philosophy, particularly insights from Miyamoto Musashi's "Book of Five Rings," we'll explore how every challenge presents an opportunity for victory.
From the erosion of individual liberties, debasement of the currency, and social degeneracy to international conflict, together we'll uncover the silver lining that is always available in every dark cloud in the form of actionable solutions rooted in personal freedom, popular self-government, and local militia, that has the power to dismantle the perverse incentives of the political caste (politicians, bureaucrats, technocrats, and oligarchs).
Embrace the mindset of an empowered individual, build the community of enlightened warriors, and help secure a more prosperous world with sound money, free markets, and private property.
Powerful meditation in just 12 minutes: