One of the inspirations for me to pursue my PhD was “The Secret of Home Economics” by Danielle Drelinger and I got to interview her for this episode. Danielle and I were able to discuss some of the topics but, honestly, you gotta read the book!! Danielle wanted to write this book, because she covered education as a journalist. She knew she wanted it to be about education, include all races, all genres, all economic classes, and cover history. Thus was born “The Secret History of Home Economics”!
Origins of Home Economics Pre World Wars
The first thing I wanted to discuss was the role of home economics pre-wars. From the 1800’s leading up to the wars, home economics was really for any person, AKA not gender specific. Home economics was more the actual tasks and how labor intensive they were due to lack of electricity, running water, and staff. That staff was often immigrants and black women once slavery had ended. A black student I know, from a different PhD program, joked that they have always done laundry. Not even a question to outsource it, black women remember were slaves first but then hired help. But even in those days, it was common to outsource your laundry. It was outsourced to locations that had running water and other conveniences.
Importance of Home Economics During the Wars - Science of Food
The discussion shifted more towards home economics during WWII. It was during this time that women entered the work force in America. Home economics was teaching these women how to cook and maintain their homes with the additional demands of working. Women were creating clothing patterns to make work clothes and teaching clothes how to mend and make do due to limited supplies. They were also experimenting with food to keep their families fed and feed our soldiers. Home economists wrote cookbooks for each arm of the military. The Angels of Bataan, planted to supplement prisoners of war rations in the Philippines. At home, they had victory gardens to supplement rations too. Canning discovered through home economics was discovered and became popular to ensure food supply.
And the industrial revolution brought home appliances to help with labor intensive tasks like laundry and ovens that had temperature regulation. Along with conveniences came higher expectations. This is where I pointed out that I am working on the definition of housework because some of the “male tasks” seem more to me like “household ownership”. And it’s peculiar how the definition of home economics became mostly a woman’s role after the war.
The Deliberateness of Stay At Home Mom Depiction
The men had come back, they fired a majority of the women, and men were back to work. Now stay at home moms were in charge of emotionally supporting their children and the care of their upbringing and all the text books reflected that. “Kids need their moms and moms need to be available all the time.” It was then I realized that I have a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences but the only thing that schooling taught me was early childhood education! The bureau of Home Economics that once was making patterns for adjustable bib overalls for women in the workforce was now selling patterns for shopping coats for women to wear while shopping for groceries.
How Should We Move Forward?
Danielle feels strongly and I agree that the name should be changed back to Home Economics. A majority of people Danielle speaks to feels this is a class that should be added back to the curriculum of school - to teach basic life skills. And considering all of the subdisciplines, we should be offering a more holistic teaching of home economics; like eating healthy more affordably and consuming more responsibly. You guys…you gotta read or listen to the whole book!
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