Today is the introduction to our 90 Day journey
Body, Mind and Spirit Exercise Plan
1.5 Hours Worship (Sundays)
1.5 Hours Prayer and Spiritual Reading
(30 min x 3 days/wk)
3 Hours Exercise
- 1.5 hrs Zone 2 Cardio Training
(30 min run, 30 min bike, 30 min swim)
(20 min free weight, 20 min body weight, 20 min resistance bands)
(5 min warm up + 5 min cool down 3 times/wk)
Create your own 90 Day Challenge Calendar:
Now that I’ve said that let’s go ahead and go over what our 30 minute spiritual practice will look like. Over about 30 minutes we are going to do
5 minutes of prayer which will include…
- The Lord’s Prayer (Debtor Monday, trespasser Thursday and sinner Saturday)
- 2 min of meditative breathing (this is based on a recommendation by Sean Aaker, a happiness researcher at Harvard, who says that two minutes of focused breathing a day increases levels of happiness)
- 10 min of Bible reading
- 10 min of Spiritual Reading
Saint Athanasius, On The Incarnation.
- 5 min of gratitude (which again is based on recommendations by Sean Aaker, the happiness researcher out of Harvard, who says that a regular gratitude practice is another secret to happiness and success)
- 3 things I am thankful for today and why…
- 3 things about the most meaningful experience of my day…
- 30 min of Zone 2 Cardio (based on recommendations by Peter Attia and Andrew Huberman)
Zone 2 calculator is 70-85% of your max heart rate as defined by ([220 - age] x 0.7 to 0.85)
- BONUS: 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down 20 min of Strength training
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