Tonight, your baby can sleep easy dreaming of magical Christmas markets, where the air smells like chocolate, and carols play. Use this sleep aid to help babies and toddlers fall asleep and stay sleeping, as well as improving quality of sleep, cognitive development and emotional wellbeing. ⭐️ Use this sleep aid to help babies and toddlers fall asleep and stay sleeping, as well as improving quality of sleep, cognitive development and emotional wellbeing. ⭐️ Upgrade to Koala Sleep Sounds Plus Today 🐨👑 for ad-free access to four shows with bonus and eight-hour episodes in just two taps 🌙 Subscribe today & please leave us a review🔔💤 How are we doing with the show? Let us know Instagram 📸 Tiktok ⏰ 🎵 Music by Sokratis Seirlis