• Finale
    Feb 2 2022
    Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The OfficeEpisode #9: Finale

    You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva.

    In this last episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I will discuss the Finale episode of The Office, how I relate to this episode, and the cast of the show.

    Segment 1: Summary of the Finale episode
    • Split into 2 episodes 
    • Dwight and Angela wedding
    • Jim’s “good surprises”
    • Michael coming back

    Segment 2: How I relate to this episode
    • Indian weddings

    Segment 3: Meet the Cast
    • Angela’s sister
    • Dwight’s mom
    • Credits for Steve Carell

    So just like that, we have reached the end of my podcast. As Andy said, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” Thank you guys for listening and joining me on this journey.

    Other Credits:


    Music Credits:  
    • Countryside by Balkan Jingles
    • Mark by Eric Van der Western. 

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    • @theHVSPN

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    14 mins
  • Pool Party
    Feb 2 2022
    Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The OfficeEpisode #6: Pool Party

    You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva.

    In this episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I will discuss the Pool Party episode of The Office, how I relate to this episode, and the cast of the show.

    Segment 1: Summary of the Pool Party episode
    • Robert California
    • Jessica and Andy
    • Dwight and Erin
    • Michael being gone

    Segment 2: How I relate to this episode
    • Old house and backyard compared to current house and backyard
    • Indoor pool/Outdoor pool
    • Animals and insects

    Segment 3: Meet the Actors 
    • How Robert California got introduced to the show
    • The casts opinion on James Spader (the actor who played California)

    So that is all I have for this podcast episode, I hope you enjoyed listening and I’ll see you next time!

    Other Credits:  


    Music Credits:  
    • Countryside by Balkan Jingles
    • Mark by Eric Van der Western. 

    Subscribe to our Podcast
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    Connect with us on Social Media
    • @theHVSPN

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    14 mins
  • Ultimatum
    Feb 2 2022
    Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The OfficeEpisode #8: Ultimatum

    You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva.

    In this episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I will discuss the Ultimatum episode of The Office, how I relate to this episode, and the cast of the show.

    Segment 1: Summary of the Ultimatum episode
    • Aj and Holly
    • Resolutions 
    • Conference room meeting 

    Segment 2: How I relate to this episode
    • Moodboard
    • Manifesting 

    Segment 3: All the info on the characters and actors
    • Everyone’s resolutions
    • Funny scenes
    • Sabre/Joe Bennett

    So that is all I have for this podcast episode, I hope you enjoyed listening and I’ll see you next time!

    Other Credits:


    Music Credits:  
    • Countryside by Balkan Jingles
    • Mark by Eric Van der Western. 

    Subscribe to our Podcast
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    Connect with us on Social Media
    • @theHVSPN

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    14 mins
  • Christmas Party
    Jan 27 2022
    Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The OfficeEpisode #7: Christmas Party

    Follow us @thehvspn

    You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva.

    In this episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I will discuss the Christmas Party episode of The Office, how I relate to this episode, and the cast of the show.

    Segment 1: Summary of the Christmas Party episode
    • Yankee swap
    • iPod

    Segment 2: How I relate to this episode
    • Secret Santa with friends vs. with family
    • Secret Santa parties

    Segment 3: Behind the Scenes
    • Angela Martin and Angela Kinsey
    • Fake snow
    • Apple 

    Other Credits:theoffice.fandom.com  Music Credits:  Countryside by Balkan JinglesMark by Eric Van der Western. Subscribe to our Podcast
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    Connect with us on Social Media
    • @theHVSPN

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    11 mins
  • Local Ad
    Jan 18 2022
    Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The OfficeEpisode #5: Local Ad

    You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva.

    In this episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I will discuss the Local Ad episode of The Office, how I relate to this episode, and the cast of the show.

    Segment 1: Summary of the Local Ad episode
    • The ad 
    • Michael’s ad ideas

    Segment 2: How I relate to this episode of The Office
    • Commercial project

    Segment 3: Meet the Actors 
    • Second life game
    • How they created Dwight’s second life 

    So that is all I have for this podcast episode, I hope you enjoyed listening and I’ll see you next time

    Other Credits:  


    Music Credits:  Countryside by Balkan JinglesMark by Eric Van der Western. Subscribe to our Podcast
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    Connect with us on Social Media
    • @theHVSPN

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    11 mins
  • Women’s Appreciation
    Dec 7 2021
    Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The OfficeEpisode Title: Women’s AppreciationEpisode #4

    You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva.

    In this episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I will discuss the Women’s Appreciation episode of The Office, how I relate to this episode, and the cast of the show.

    Segment 1: Summary of the Women’s Appreciation episode
    • Phyllis getting flashed by a stranger
    • Michael’s conference room meeting (how he always has meetings)
    • Michael taking all the women to the mall
    • Michael breaking up with Jan after hearing pam’s advice 
    • Karen being jealous of pam 
    • Pam secretly liking Jim (but not talking about it)

    Segment 2: How I relate to this episode of The Office
    • Percentage of women scared to go to places with few people
    • Percentage of women scared to walk alone at night
    • Dress codes in schools and how they’re unfair
    • How I was scared to wear specific clothing, in fear of being dress coded 

    Segment 3: Meet the Actors 
    • Some actors got to keep their own names for their characters
    • Angela Kinsey’s dentist situation (how she thought the episode was partially inspired by her)

    So that is all I have for this podcast episode, I hope you enjoyed listening and I’ll see you next time!

    Other Credits:  
    • Looper.com
    • Cairn.info 

    Music Credits:  Countryside by Balkan JinglesMark by Eric Van der Western. Subscribe to our Podcast
    • Apple Podcasts
    • Spotify
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    • Stitcher  
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    11 mins
  • Halloween
    Nov 3 2021
    Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The OfficeEpisode Title: HalloweenEpisode #3

    You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva.

    In this episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I’m going to discuss multiple Halloween episodes of The Office, and this time, I’m going to be switching up the regular schedule, by calling in a guest who loves The Office as much as I do, and asking them some questions and fun Halloween related conversations! So, I want to give a warm welcome to my amazing guest in this episode, a lover of The Office, and the best cook and baker you’ll ever meet, Erin Lee. 

    Segment 1: Asking questions

    Okay, so, as I said, this podcast episode is gonna be running a little differently than my usual style. So going in order, the Halloween episodes of The Office are season 2, episode 5: “Halloween”, season 5, episode 6: “Employee Transfer”, season 7, episode 6: “Costume Contest”, season 8, episode 5: “Spooked”, and finally, season 9, episode 6, ‘Here Comes Treble”. So now I’m going to turn my attention to the guest, and let’s hear some of her opinions. 


    • So, what is your favorite Halloween episode of The Office and why?
    • Okay, in the “Costume Contest” episode, they, obviously, have a costume contest, right? So, a lot of people end up voting Oscar as the winner, who didn’t really dress up. He was just in normal clothing, but for the sake of the holiday, called himself a “rational consumer”. Everyone votes for him because they think he’s the least likely to win, but he ends up winning because basically, everyone voted for him. So now I wanna ask you guys, who would you vote for in this episode? And I mean like based on how good the costume is, not like who would least likely win, like who do you think you would actually vote for, for best costume? 
    • Going back to the first Halloween episode of The Office, called, “Halloween”, Michael has to choose a person in the office to fire, and he had been putting it off for the whole month. So, in the end, he chooses to fire Devin. Now, we don’t really know a lot about Devin because he didn’t have, much of a role for the episodes he was in, and then he was, you know, fired, so we didn’t see him after that. If you were Michael, who would you choose to fire based on performance and how their work performance is? Also, you can include people who weren’t in this episode yet, so like Andy, Erin, Gabe, Pete, Clark, basically whoever has had a somewhat main role in the show. 

    Segment 2: Looking into the past

    Now, I think in this Halloween episode, it would only be fair to discuss our previous Halloween costumes, and fun stories, and all things Halloween. So, let’s just dive into this because honestly, I’m curious to know what stories you could have to share, and what you dressed up as in the past. 


    • Okay, so, what has been your favorite Halloween costume...
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    12 mins
  • Diversity Day
    Nov 3 2021
    Hopewell Valley Student Podcasting Network Show Name: A Day in The OfficeEpisode Title: Diversity Day Episode #2

    You are listening to A Day in The Office the podcast with your host(s) Samaira Sachdeva.

    In this episode of A Day in The Office the Podcast, I will discuss the Diversity Day episode of The Office, how I relate to this episode, and the cast of the show.

    Segment 1: Summary of the Diversity Day episode

    This episode is probably the most controversial episode of the whole series of The Office. So I’m going to give you all a quick summary of it, so you can decide if you agree with most of the audience when they say it’s offensive. So this episode is very early on in the series. It is the second episode of season 1. Now in this episode, Michael imitates a very controversial and racist Chris Rock routine. Everyone from the office files a complaint to corporate about Michael, which forces them to undergo a meeting in which a consultant, known as Mr. Brown in the episode, teaches the office about the importance of diversity and tolerance. Michael being Michael insists on teaching the importance of diversity in the workplace in his own way, and takes over the meeting. Okay, so if you think that this episode is bad so far, just wait until you hear about this part. So now we know that Michael has taken over the seminar to teach it himself. Which is already bad enough as is. And as we also already know, Michael is very oblivious to pretty much everything that he does. So, Michael assigns each staff member with a card that has a different race written on it. With these cards, he tells the staff to treat people how they would be treated if they were the race written on their cards. So now, all the staff members are basically very confused but they all know Michael. They know that this is the type of oblivious person he is, so they didn’t really question him. But, after a while, the staff start to get very aggravated and annoyed with Michael, and here’s why. Michael begins to claim that he is now “two fifteenths Native American.” which is not okay to say, considering that he is not, in fact, “two fifteenths Native American” Along with this, Kelly, the same staff member from my last podcast episode, walks into Michaels racist seminar. She was out in a meeting of her own, so she didn’t exactly know what was going on when she walked into the conference room. So, you know, she wasn’t there, meaning that she never received an index card from Michael. However, despite not receiving a card, he delivers a very racist impression of Indian people to Kelly, who takes offense and slaps Michael. So, this episode is very controversial for many many reasons, and I think that we can all agree that this episode probably wouldn’t have even aired, had it been made within the past (at least) 4-5 years. 

    Segment 2: How I relate to this episode of The Office

    Okay, so if you listened to my first podcast episode about Diwali, you already know that I (along with Kelly) am Indian. And I feel like we need to talk more about how it isn’t okay to mock accents such as Indian ones. And although I personally haven’t had someone be racist to my face, regardless, I still know that it, well, exists. I know even of people in my grade who have said racist remarks about Indians and even other cultures...

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    13 mins