Lenny, a narcissistic little prick, and like Ebenezer Scrooge he has no time for sentimentality. However, this Christmas Eve Lenny will be visited by three spirits who will show him the errors of his ways. This Christmas special is wacky and does not make sense.
Miklo aka Jake - https://soundcloud.com/user-288211602
Defaim aka Dylan - https://www.reverbnation.com/defaim
Steven Daniel as Main Host/ Big Vinny/ Lenny
Shilo McGillicuddy as Rick Sanchez
Brian C. Sundin as Wilson
King Ducky as Lola/ Hormone Monster Rick
Rachael Reagan as Gabriella/herself
Carson Campbell as Bing Bong/Gary
Luna Wilson as Mackenzie/Casey
Lauren Moore as Casey’s Mom/Jody
Britt Nolan as Lucy/Old Lady
Damaro Gough as Mia
Braden Worton as Stranger 2/Officer 1/Maury
TwoTone as Stranger 3
Percy ''The Perfectionist'' Williams as Morty
Ross K. Foad as William/Little Boy
MoolightSinger as Little Girl
Troy K. as Ben
Adam Niles as Old Man
Instrumentals and SFX are from:
Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io?referral=steven-pmdxw
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